在英文寫作或考試中,"result" 是一個常見的單字,但你知道它可以搭配不同的介係詞,意思也會有所不同嗎?今天我們來解析 "result" 的 4 種常見用法,讓你能夠正確運用!
▶ 用來表示 某個原因導致的結果,相當於 "cause" 或 "lead to"。
✅ The heavy rain resulted in flooding.(大雨導致了洪水。)
✅ His careless driving resulted in an accident.(他的魯莽駕駛導致了一場意外。)
🔹 記憶技巧:A result in B = A 導致 B
▶ 用來表示 某個結果的原因,與 "be caused by" 相似。
✅ The flooding resulted from the heavy rain.(洪水是由大雨引起的。)
✅ His illness resulted from lack of sleep.(他的生病是因為睡眠不足。)
🔹 記憶技巧:B result from A = B 起因於 A
▶ 用來強調 結果本身,通常與 "is the result of" 搭配使用。
✅ The flood was the result of heavy rain.(洪水是大雨的結果。)
✅ His success is the result of years of hard work.(他的成功是多年努力的結果。)
🔹 記憶技巧:B is the result of A = B 是 A 的結果
▶ 與 "because of" 相似,表示某件事的發生是因為某個原因。
✅ As a result of the storm, many flights were delayed.(由於暴風雨,許多航班被延誤了。)
✅ As a result of his hard work, he got promoted.(由於他的努力,他獲得了晉升。)
🔹 記憶技巧:As a result of A, B = 因為 A,B 發生
✨ 總結快速記憶:
📌 只要記住這些簡單的句型,就能輕鬆掌握 "result" 的不同用法,讓你的英文表達更精確!