回台數日,反覆聽Blue Mood,還是非常傾心,順手GOOGLE相關資料,卻碰到意想不到的困難。
說來也奇怪,這首歌在Spotify和APPLE MUSIC都有,從YOUTUBE的影片來看,它來自一張1956年的黑膠唱片,事實上並不算非常冷門,否則何以今日它仍飄唱在一家日本書店裡,撩撥一個亞洲旅人的思緒?
歌曲署名Julie Stevens and the Premiers,很明顯就是Julie Stevens這位女聲與一支樂團the Premiers合唱的作品。
先講the Premiers好了,這個資訊,我被WIKI誤導了一陣子,WIKI上剛好有一支成軍於1962年的加州樂團the Premiers,我一直以爲就是他們,後來我仔細看YOUTUBE上一支Blue Mood影片的簡介,才知道完全不是,「真正」的the Premiers是如此:
『The Premiers were the most prolific group that recorded for Johnny Otis's Dig Records in the mid-'50s. They consisted of lead tenor Sammy Hagan, tenor Donald Frierson, baritone Daniel Fields, and bass Charles Taggart.』
The Premiers 是 1950 年代中期為Johnny Otis的Dig Records 錄製最多作品的團體。
他們的成員包括主唱男高音Sammy Hagan、男高音Donald Frierson、男中音Daniel Fields和低音Charles Taggart。
Johnny Otis是美國的節奏藍調教父,在1950年代成立了Dig Records唱片公司。WIKI上有很詳盡的資訊。
The Premiers的資訊其實非常少,這個部落格,有資訊量稍微多一點的介紹:https://doo-wop.blogg.org/sammy-hagan-the-viscounts-1-aka-the-premiers-1-a116516824
資料少,畢竟還能一慰我的孺慕之情,而Julie Stevens則完全、完全找不到資訊,僅僅知道Blue Mood是她16歲時灌唱的作品,曲子是一位爵士音樂家Jackie Kelso的作品,那麼歌詞是Julie Stevens作的嗎?我沒有答案,因為連歌詞都找不到。
YOUTUBE上有一則11年前的留言:I saw her sing this tune at the golden gate theatre in east L.A. when I was just 11or 12. She pointed her finger at me and that made the concert for me!
下面另個人回覆:Hey, do you happen to know what happened to her? Everytime I try to find something on her I find nothing.(這個探問就無人回覆了)
Julie Stevens若還在,也已86歲高齡了,我在另一支影片中看到這則留言,也是11年前:....Julie Stevens was very young & talented.....but was short-lived (I think...in my opinion) she went on to do more music, but the music was changing, & the times were changing......
Julie Stevens年輕又有才華,但她太早逝了(就我的觀點),她應該做更多音樂,無奈音樂在改變,時代也在改變……
啊,好感傷啊,好想知道更多關於Julie Stevens的故事,她有更多作品嗎?有一些現場演場的影片嗎?
I'm in a blue moon
Blue of you
Why was I such a fool
What what can I do
You run and left me
You said we though(這句我看不懂)
I'm in a blue moon
Blue blue of you
What did you have to lie
I need no I can't believe it
That your really really gone
I feel so lonely here Without you
I'm in a blue moon
Blue blue of you
I feel so lonely here Without you
I'm in a blue moon
Blue blue of you
Blue blue of you
Blue blue of you