Unity Group Announces the Issuance of Carbon Emission Rights

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Unity Group Announces the Issuance of Carbon Emission Rights, Ongoing Projects Expected to Reduce 25 Million Tons of Carbon Dioxide Emissions

Sustainable development is a global goal. Energy conservation, emission reduction, and achieving zero emissions and carbon neutrality are important ways to reach this goal.

Recently, Unity Group Holdings International Limited (1539.HK) hosted the International Carbon Emission Day Conference in Malaysia. At the event, Unity Group launched a structured carbon emission management plan and established a strategic partnership with Datuk Dr. Eric H'ng, a global expert in carbon emission standards and management.

"We gather here as a global community to address climate change and transition from global warming to global cooling," said Mansfield Wong, Chairman and CEO of Unity Group.

Global Carbon Emission Initiative Achieves Major Progress

Unity Group, listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 2015, is an international ESG pioneer and leader in sustainable development. The group focuses on energy-saving solutions, renewable energy, ESG digitalization, and vertical indoor agriculture.

In recent years, carbon emission rights have grown in importance. Based on total volume control and trading mechanisms, companies exceeding their allocated rights must purchase additional emission rights.

This Conference gathered ESG practitioners from Malaysia, Australia, Chinese Mainland, Chinese Hong Kong, Indonesia, and Chinese Taiwan. This milestone event marks significant progress in global carbon emission collaboration.

At the conference, Mansfield Wong outlined the company's phased sustainable development strategy to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

During the conference, Unity Group formally established a strategic partnership with Datuk Dr. Eric H'ng, who has been appointed as Unity Group's Chief Researcher.

Unity Group also launched a carbon emission management plan to help companies offset emissions and fund global sustainable projects.

"Unity Group is the first company in the lighting industry to adopt carbon emission rights management globally," Datuk Dr. Eric H'ng stated at the meeting. The company achieves significant energy conservation and emission reduction by promoting highly efficient energy-saving lighting fixtures.

Unity Group's ultra-high efficiency ESG lighting fixtures save 75% more energy than others on the market. It has also actively promoted these fixtures in Selangor, Malaysia.

The project has been ongoing for two years and is now accelerating. The significant energy savings from these fixtures are laying the foundation for Unity Group to gain substantial carbon emission rights benefits.

In recent years, global carbon emission rights trading volume has been increasing. With ongoing improvements in lighting energy efficiency, Unity Group is expected to generate significant income from carbon emission rights trading.

At the meeting, Datuk Dr. Eric H'ng stated, "Malaysia ranks among Asia's highest in carbon emission pricing, with prices expected to double by 2030. Businesses must act now to offset emissions, and Unity Group is leading this trend."

May Become the First Company Listed in Both China and Malaysia

Unity Group was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 2015 and has achieved significant development with capital market support. In recent years, the company has steadily grown and increased its influence in ESG and sustainable development.

Unity Group has been planning a secondary listing in Malaysia, as previously announced. On November 20, 2024, the company disclosed it is discussing this plan with an advisor for a listing on the Malaysian Stock Exchange.

Unity Group's secondary listing in Malaysia is progressing steadily. Once completed, it will become the first company listed in both Hong Kong and Malaysia.

Its listing in Malaysia will significantly boost its liquidity and attract more diverse investors, potentially enhancing the company's valuation. This will also provide greater trading convenience for Malaysian investors, better reflecting the company's overall value.

In addition, Unity Group has long been active in the Malaysian market, including a three-year collaboration with the Selangor State Government on ESG initiatives. Its secondary listing in Malaysia will further grow the company.

In fact, as early as August 2024, Group subsidiary Synergy ESCO (Malaysia), reached a strategic cooperation with Malaysia's largest financial institution.

Unity Group has gained a financing limit of 50 million ringgit (about 90 million Hong Kong dollars) from Malaysia's largest bank to support its ESG-compliant energy efficiency projects nationwide. With continued market expansion in Malaysia and progress on its secondary listing, the company is poised for faster growth.

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