今年以來, 很多零售業者的股價都受到關稅的影響. ONON是幾家沒受到影響的公司. 連這次的財報會議中, “關稅”這一字, 一次都沒出現過(註: 這次沒出現, 不代表以後不會出現. 不過就零售業來說, 真的是非常罕見. 可能跟這個也有小小的關係:另外記得前幾季美元強勢, 都有影響到營收(如上一季: 因為匯差, 營收減少了CHF32 millions. 不過這一季卻沒有此現象.整體來說, ONON這季的表現真的是無懈可擊.
- 單獨看第四季度,我們看到我們打下的基礎正在發揮作用,使我們實現了全年最強勁的季度成長率。我們利用令人難以置信的品牌勢頭,受益於品牌知名度的提高以及夏季和第三季的持續加速。重要的是,我們能夠在整個供應鏈中執行營運以滿足強勁的需求,同時保持紀律以保護全價銷售的高份額。
- 1.5年前訂下的2024~2026目標: 策略目標是發展成為全球最優質的運動服飾品牌,財務目標是實現26%的淨銷售額複合年增長率、60%以上的毛利率和18%以上的調整後EBITDA利潤率。
- 我們的目標是成為一個真正的從頭到腳的運動服裝品牌.
- 在強勢美元的情況下, With a very strong constant currency growth rate of over 33%, we have reached CHF2.32 billion in net sales.
- 品牌策略專注在三個類別
- 優質產品premium product offerings
- 策略合作夥伴(指的是零售通路商)
- 全球市場
- 2025年的計畫:
- 繼續推動以服裝為主的類別,例如訓練(training). 最新的訓練服飾於一月推出, 以提升ONON在健身房的品牌影響力.
- 依產品
- ONON是以鞋類起家: 三個主要的品牌, Cloudmonster, Cloudsurfer, Cloudrunner, 在2024年的成長率在60%~140%.
- 產品賣到較年輕的客戶群(35歲以下)的市占, 成長了6-8%.
- 不過在2024年, ONON將業務拓展到了網球與訓練類別(主要指的是服飾). 服飾將為持續成為業務主力(在第四季, 服裝佔DTC淨銷售額的 5% 以上。)
- 幾週前推出 Cloudsurfer 2 。
- 過幾天會推出 Cloud 6; 隨著新款 Cloud 6 的推出,ONON非常高興能夠進一步提升其最具標誌性的全天候鞋型。這款經典全天候特許經營的最新版本將重新成為 2025 年及以後增長的重要貢獻者。雖然全面發布將在幾天後進行,但過去幾個月我們合作夥伴的需求是迄今為止最高的。
- CEO: “如果回顧鞋子的歷史,舒適、輕鬆、穿脫方便的鞋子一直以來都是經典款式。這正是我們真正關注的。”
- 2025 年下半年,第一款適合日常跑步者的超級鞋 Cloudboom Max 的推出將令粉絲們驚嘆不已。今年,我們將繼續與才華橫溢的人合作,以激勵不同世代的人,包括推出 Zendaya 首次合作設計的鞋類和服裝。
- 服飾: 希望在未來, 服飾會佔總營收的10%.
- 通路
- 批發通路: 這一成長持續得益於我們與 Dick’s、JD 和 Footlocker 等關鍵客戶的選擇性擴張,以及與許多現有合作夥伴擴大貨架空間和市場份額.
- 依銷售地區
- 北美: 我們對我們的受控的批發擴張, 如何支持 On 在該地區的覆蓋範圍和可及性(accessibility), 感到非常高興。
- 拉丁美洲: 同時,我們觀察到拉丁美洲高成長市場呈現顯著的加速和貢獻。我們在該地區最大的市場巴西的淨銷售額比前一年增長了一倍多。有些人可能會說,這是若昂·豐塞卡效應的結果,這位巴西最新的超級巨星和 On 網球陣容的成員,其服裝業務的增長尤為強勁。
- 新興地區: 第四季度是 2023 年底策略性門市關閉對同比產生持續影響的最後一個季度。因此,我們很高興看到本季歐洲、中東和非洲地區業務的顯著加速,這表明該地區有潛力為我們未來的成長道路做出更大的貢獻。
- 這一成長主要得益於我們一些較新興市場(南歐,特別是法國和義大利)的出色成長,其中巴黎和米蘭的零售店產生了明顯的光環效應。
- 亞太地區: 整個地區都出現了令人難以置信的成長,日本和中國繼續成為該地區的主要推動力。從較小的基數來看,韓國、澳洲、香港以及東南亞市場正在顯著加速發展,進一步促進了廣泛的發展勢頭和成功。第四季最突出的時刻是 11 月份我們第二家香港門市的開業,該門市迅速發展至與第一家門市相當的水平,並躋身我們全球門市中表現最好的門市之列。 12 月,我們也啟動了與中國農曆新年相關的品牌活動,推出限量版系列,慶祝蛇年。該系列採用了新穎的配色和服裝設計,同時也推出了 Cloud X 4 和 Cloudtilt 等地區熱門產品,並且到 2025 年仍將保持強勁的銷售勢頭。
- 關於供應鏈
- 今年春季,ONON將提高在蘇黎世的生產能力,同時在韓國建立更大規模的生產設施。 2025 年的另一個重點將是卓越運營,投資我們的基礎設施,為長期成長和成功做好準備。 2024 年,尤其是上半年,我們遇到了一些挑戰,這使我們無法發揮全部潛力。我們在亞特蘭大工廠的全自動倉庫解決方案方面進展順利,並預計該解決方案將於 2025 年上半年末上線。
(上季財報中的資訊: 位於亞特蘭大的倉儲中心會在春季啟動. 這會帶動銷售量.
(建置倉儲中心是固定成本. 等到銷售量上來, 會使利潤增加.))
- 會持續在幾個方便做投資: 多通路分銷,包括但不限於客戶資料洞察、人工智慧驅動的自動化、線上市場管理和全通路體驗.
- 毛利(gross margin): 由於創紀錄的 DTC 份額、品牌的高端地位、嚴謹的全價策略和有利的外匯發展,我們達到了歷史上最高的毛利率。
- 此外,我們將繼續投資 LightSpray 以及我們的 IT 和技術能力。由於我們將部分技術團隊和資源整合到集中的跨通路設定中,我們也看到了從銷售費用到一般及行政費用的結構性轉變。
- Adjusted EBITDA margin: 16.4% (超過預期)
- ONON將繼續投資 LightSpray 以及 IT 和技術能力。由於ONON將部分技術團隊和資源整合到集中的跨通路設定中,高層也看到了從銷售費用到一般及行政費用的結構性轉變。 這也提升了adjusted EBITDA margin.
- 會透過這些方法來增加獲利, 提升營運效率: 在G&A上面減少支出; 亞特蘭大倉儲中心的自動化; 投資行銷.
- 財測
- 2025上半年會比下半年強勁. 高層不確定下半年的總經情況, 所以做保守預估.
- As David pointed out, in 2024 we have tracked ahead of our planned 26% three-year net sales CAGR, achieving a 33% constant currency growth rate for the year. Driven by the significant momentum we have seen in the business, including a particularly strong second half of the year 2024 and a strong start into 2025, we expect to continue to outgrow our three-year plan and to grow ahead of the 26% growth algorithm for 2025 while compounding at a higher base. For the full year 2025, we expect to achieve a constant currency growth rate of at least 27%. At current spot rates across all currencies, we do not expect a sizable FX impact, and therefore this translates to an outlook of at least CHF2.94 billion for the year. On a quarterly base, assuming current rates, we expect some top line FX tailwinds in Q1 and Q4 and some headwinds in Q2 and Q3. While we do not provide quarterly guidance, I will point out that we expect a slightly higher half year one growth rate versus the second half of the year 2025. This outlook is based on the impact of the operational disruptions that we had in half year one 2024 as well as the initial sell-in of our largest franchise, Cloud 6, in Q1. We currently anticipate a gross profit margin of around 60.5%, ahead of our midterm ambition of 60% plus. This already implies an anticipated headwind to our reported gross profit margin from the current US dollar to Swiss franc FX levels, which is expected to offset a further margin improvement driven by the continued expansion of our DTC channel as well as the ongoing premiumization of our brand. Throughout 2025, we will continue to invest to drive long-term, durable growth, while we expect to further increase our adjusted EBITDA margin to 17% to 17.5% and with that to validate our 2026 target of 18% plus.
高層與分析師的Q&A中, 值得一看的內容
- (分析師問到了美國消費者是否疲弱) Q: 有許多傳言說,自 2024 年底以來,美國的整體消費環境已經變得有些疲軟,所以自從假期結束以來,可能是因為天氣或其他原因。但你見過嗎?您能否大致談談第一季迄今美國的情況?
A: 還是挺好. 不過高層對下半年比較謹慎, 有做保守預估.
- (分析師問到了競爭環境. 從高層的回答, 我們可以看出ONON與其他品牌的差異處) Q: 我很想聽聽您對 2025 年競爭格局的整體看法,與最近幾年相比如何,特別是一些大品牌正在尋求重振其特許經營權並進一步滲透或重返專業學習管道。因此,我們將非常感激您的想法。
A: 我認為我們非常清楚競爭格局,我們觀察我們的競爭對手如何看待他們的創新管道以及他們如何與批發合作夥伴合作。對我們來說重要的是這一點,我認為我們已經在本次問答開始時試圖強調這一點。我們認為 On 的地位與許多競爭對手相比有很大不同。因為我們更高端,這使我們能夠捕捉不同的價格點,並且還使我們能夠在通路合作夥伴中捕捉到該通路合作夥伴中非常特定的消費者群體。我們認為我們正在為市場帶來的創新深深植根於性能、設計和永續性。如果你看一下像 LightSpray 這樣的產品,我們會覺得它與其他一些品牌的產品有很大的不同。這樣,我們就可以與我們的運動員和有影響力的人一起講述非常與眾不同的故事。因此,我們也可以透過自己的管道吸引大量消費者。所以您可以看到這反映在我們的第四季數據中。而這些管道反過來又使我們基本上能夠專注於全價銷售,從而帶來更高的利潤率。因此,我們對我們品牌的現狀和策略感到非常滿意。而我們目前也看到,展望 25 年,這項策略正在受到讚賞,它使我們能夠不參與其他所有人都參與的領域,而是以更高的利潤率吸引不同的消費者。
- 看好的地方
- We see opportunity for beats especially in H2 sales growth (which bake in conservatism from macro / uncertainty) and on margins (from continued strength in full-price selling in 2025 YTD, despite broader softness in consumer sentiment).
- The company’s impressive organic sales growth of 40.6% in the fourth quarter of FY24, which surpassed the initial guidance and sector averages, demonstrates its robust market position. Additionally, the company’s adjusted EBITDA margin exceeded expectations, indicating efficient cost management and profitability.
- The company’s strategic initiatives, such as geographical diversification and product expansion, support its long-term growth trajectory.
- Big picture, results appear to be high-quality with a top-line beat accompanied by solid GM% expansion.
- For 2025, ONON guided revenue below consensus at +27% y/y (RJe/Street +29%/+28%) but we note ONON has beat revenue in 13/14 quarters as a public company and historically guided conservatively (average beat in 1Q-4Q24 was ~2%). GM% was also guided below at ~flat y/y (DTC benefit, FX headwind). EBITDA% was guided +30-80bp to 17.0-17.5% (Street 17.5%), which is broadly in line with the cadence set at its 2023 Investor Day targets for achieving 18% margins in 2026. Net, guidance is below consensus but based on ONON’s history of beating, there’s likely room for upside." Looking forward, On Holding AG’s management has provided a solid revenue forecast for 2025, which appears conservative given the company’s current momentum. The brand’s increasing awareness, strategic marketing campaigns, and diversified product offerings are expected to sustain its growth. Additionally, the company’s valuation reflects its consistent track record of growth and margin expansion, justifying the premium multiple assigned to its stock.
- Additionally, On Holding AG’s positioning as a premium brand in the footwear industry, coupled with its ability to avoid promotional pressures and demand volatility faced by competitors, enhances its market appeal.
- Moreover, On Holding AG’s shares are trading at a valuation that suggests potential for upward revisions and multiple expansions, given the anticipated earnings growth.
- THe analyst comments "Bottom Line: ONON beat 4Q expectations solidly on high quality, with upside from revenue and GM, with EPS at $0.28 (ISI/Street $0.17/0.18). We’re encouraged that DTC momentum continued at +48% YOY ex-FX (a ~2.5pp decel vs 3Q, we think 4Q guide embedded a 3-4pp decel). Wholesale accelerated significantly at +34% YoY ex FX (we think 4Q guide embedded high 20s)—potentially evidence that ops issues that held back 2024 growth are improving. ONON’s 2025 outlook is more than enough to calm fears of ONON being another slowing growth story (with elevated sensitivity after DECK guided a slowdown in its forward quarter). 2025 topline is guided to >+27% YoY ex-FX. Importantly, ONON suggested again that 2025 will be a DTC led year, and commented that QTD trends are off to a good start—i.e. no change in the preliminary comments on 2025 that ONON offered at ICR. 2025 margins progress will be slightly slower than expected—likely due to entirely to FX headwinds. ONON is guiding 2025 GM to ~flat at 60.5% (we embedded 60.9%, Street 60.6%), and adj EBITDA margin at 17- 17.5% (vs ISI 18.0%/Street 17.3%). But we think the guide provides sufficient underlying growth and margin expansion to offset fears that the operating model is slowing as ONON moves into the back half of its 2023-2026 Analyst Day plan. Reiterate Outperform."
- The company has shown significant momentum with a 41% increase in revenue, surpassing its guidance, and an adjusted EBITDA that exceeded expectations by nearly 10 million CHF.
- Additionally, On Holding AG is expanding its brand presence and distribution channels, both directly to consumers and through wholesale. Despite the high valuation, the company’s robust margin profile and cash-rich balance sheet provide a solid foundation for continued growth. The forward-looking guidance for 2025 also indicates sustained revenue growth and margin expansion, reinforcing the positive outlook for the stock.
- 需要注意的地方: 沒看到