Xiaomi Beijing HQ

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I got a special chance to visit Xiaomi HQ in Beijing, we were very excited to visit them before they go for IPO. Xiaomi’s image for Chinese is like Apple in the USA, they are looking to develop electronics that everyone could afford and keep the simplicity design.
What we got is the company presentation from the PR team, then we went to Xiaomi store shopping, I would say it was little pity we didn’t visit the development department.
If you have any question, please feel free to leave your comment, or discuss with me.
Originally published at sofi.lafenice.co.
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08/03/2017 蘋果店   有團員遺失了蘋果產品的充電線,想要找地方買。 詢問我的意見,我想卑耳根是大城市,比較有機會能買到。   利用集合前的空檔,進到卑耳根的遊客中心,我抽了號碼牌,很快的叫了號。 我詢問工作人員,請問這裏有蘋果店嗎?(Apple Store)   他楞了
前陣子蘋果傳出不造車了要專注投入AI領域掀起了很多的討論,有人拍手叫好認為早該如此有人認為小米都可以做到蘋果太遜啦… 個人認為蘋果放棄造車是好事,雖然說現在電動車的供應鏈已經滿完整的,我認為大多數供應鏈很難像蘋果的其他產品一樣任蘋果完全掌握,之前科技工作講有採訪前蘋果採購,採訪中大家可以很清楚知道
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