Is the reopen ceremony everywhere in the world brings us back to the normal as where we were before 2020? 揭開世界的各國慶典,把我們帶回2020前的舊有秩序嗎? It is worth thinking about that the world we were in before 2020 needs to be challenged. And maybe that’s why we need to observe the world by this pandemic. The viruses destroyed the usual ways of thinking, the habits within our brain, the absolute systems and models in the society. 還蠻值得思考的呀!
病毒破壞了我們一直以來的思考模式,鑲嵌在我們腦袋深處的舊習,以及社會裡絕無商量的系統和模式。 All, at once. 一次完美攻擊!且毫無商量的立即性摧毀。
Luckily, we are safer than many other countries in the world that we are able to think about all the structures collapses in a still-running social system. Taiwan’s terrific prevention to the pandemic this time reveals our medical advantages, along with the hi-tech bio-chemistry and AI platform cooperation. 我們不幸中的大幸是,在各國的防疫中,台灣算是做到安全指數高的,好讓我們在仍然可以維持運作的社會系統中,可以喘一口氣在這裡思維系統崩壞的問題。
台灣的好防疫也讓我們親身體驗了我們優異的醫療,高端生化與我們的人工智慧平台完美結合。 But, all these statements about Taiwan is not a way to show off and boost how great Taiwan is. I would rather say, at this moment, includiing the Floyd tragedy protest is processing, North Korea tends to start a new war with XX (no matter who), Queen Elisabeth is holding her birthday parade, and Brazil climbs up to the second highest confirmed cases countries in the world.
The world is filled with LOVE in the pattern we can not see clearly, right now.
Anyone sees where the love presents are the ones being blessed.
And again, I MEAN IT. YES. It reminds me of a poem from 王維。 行到水窮處,坐看雲起時。
And that’s what I mean.