FastLane is the first Xero Platinum Partner

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Our Journey to Platinum
The FastLane Group has reached Xero Platinum status! We are thankful to our clients, business partners and the Xero Asia team for their kind support to make this happen. Despite the current challenging business environment, we are experiencing unexpected business growth due to the increasing adoption of cloud-based technology. Specifically, users are appreciating how Xero facilitates remote working and how it allows professional accounting services can be performed undisrupted.
In our seven years of practicing cloud based accounting solutions we have listened to our clients and have customized their Xero experiences, catering to each of their unique business and industry needs. On top of that, we support over 20 Xero add-ons and have created a business network that consists of professional lawyers, marketing specialists, banks and fin-tech companies, co-working spaces, VC’s and accelerators to help our clients to build better businesses.

We have sought to continuously grow our team and expand our services to ensure that we can be with our clients through each step of their journey. With our recent launch of international company incorporation and accounting services, we hope to serve global clients. We aim to empower business owners to manage their business anywhere and anytime.

FastLane Group的沙龍 的其他內容
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Over the past few months, the Hong Kong Government has reiterated their commitment to helping the Hong Kong economy, especially to SME’s. On 8 April 2
The Hong Kong company incorporation process has been well documented. However, a key aspect of this process is deciding upon a financial year end date
Cloud based accounting software has been growing in popularity in recent years as SMEs have recognized the benefits of adopting such softwares. Among
Hong Kong has long been recognized as one of the best places to do business. The city has an extremely business friendly outlook, especially when comp
There may be times when you want to change the share structure of your company; either by adding new shareholders or by changing the existing proporti
Oftentimes, one will incorporate a company in Hong Kong with the intention of conducting business but end up not doing so, their Hong Kong company bec
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剛開始跟著線上老師一起畫時,根本不知道要畫什麼?所以就跟著走,沒想到出來的效果也不錯,真的很有趣,無論畫得好不好,總會有一番滋味耶! 今天,天氣特別的熱,然後也流了一身汗, 老公同事送我們兩台腳踏車, 真的好感謝喔! 戴著口罩跟弟弟一起去牽腳踏車, 頂著烈日,騎著腳踏車,全身都溼透了! 口罩也濕透了
English 之 “Is it ......?” 的句型看似簡單,但是很多中文漢字使用者常常不能清楚理解其造句結構的來源,尤其不知其中的 it 到底應該怎麼翻譯。其實,此時 “Is it ......?” 中的 it 不ㄧ定是「它」的意思,......
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“ish”是一個字尾,你可以把它接在單字的尾巴。 有時中文說: 「這人感覺有點……的fu」、「這東西看起來有點像….」「這本小說感覺有點……風格」、「這藝人有一點在走…(某人)…的路線」。 中文所說的「有點、好像有點」就是”ish”。這個字尾怎麼用得內行又道地,看完這篇就秒懂。
完整標題:island 與「嶼地」、「嶼方地」、「嶼壤地」、「台地」或「島地」或「島」、「島嶼地」等的轉換密碼