在一邊修改《天使望鄉》的同時,伍爾夫已開始寫第二部作品《時間與河流》(Of Time and the River),伍爾夫是一個喜歡寫很多字的作家,寫了5,000張手稿,詞藻華麗深奧,非常善用各種詩詞比喻、繁複形容詞,講一個簡單的事往往可以花掉好幾頁的篇幅比喻、形容,柏金斯為了使故事主軸清晰,不使讀者模糊焦點,或真的因為字數太多而不好閱讀,要求精簡文字,兩人沒日沒夜的工作,柏金斯刪字、伍爾夫加字,接著兩人吵架,週而復始,除了工作效率非常的差之外,兩人都把家人及生活給忽略掉了,還好最終這本書順利出版、大賣。
“I shall always think of you and feel about you the way it was that Fourth of July day three years ago when you met me at the boat,and we went out on the cafe on the river and had a drink and later went on top of the tall building,and all the strangeness and the glory and the power of life and of the city was below.”