更新於 2021/04/13閱讀時間約 1 分鐘

012621 Mood& 心境

    SUN, in the early afternoon, during the winter, quietly reminds me: “ Slow down, my love, as possible as you could.” SUN says. “ Yes! Mentor! ”I say.  While stepping even slowly, each movement of the step gets steady and firm.  My whole body feels indeed comfortable, especially the hips which joints the top body and the legs.  So, have the eye contact with the simplest, exploring the prettiest face.  Truly Yours, ~ Love365**冬季午後的暖陽, 提醒我放慢速度; 平實地踩踏著, 自在地舒展著, 沐浴和煦陽光.  同款葉形, 不同光亮, 描繪出不同風貌; 右下側背光面沉靜厚重了些, 左上側迎光面精采輕盈許多.  中間的葉群, 從右至左, 曼妙舞動; 精簡地記錄下, 兩面轉變那幕.
    SUN, in the early afternoon, during the winter, quietly reminds me: “ Slow down, my love, as possible as you could.” SUN says. “ Yes! Mentor! ”I say. While stepping even slowly, each movement of the step gets steady and firm. My whole body feels indeed comfortable, especially the hips which joints the top body and the legs. So, have the eye contact with the simplest, exploring the prettiest face. Truly Yours, ~ Love365** 冬季午後的暖陽, 提醒我放慢速度; 平實地踩踏著, 自在地舒展著, 沐浴和煦陽光. 同款葉形, 不同光亮, 描繪出不同風貌; 右下側背光面沉靜厚重了些, 左上側迎光面精采輕盈許多. 中間的葉群, 從右至左, 曼妙舞動; 精簡地記錄下, 兩面轉變那幕.
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