2021-03-23|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 2 分鐘

032321a Focus& 聚焦

    Sometimes, see the whole scene, instead of staring at the main object which generally positioned at the center or takes the most space.  It could be anything, despite of the size/color, which draws your attention: enjoy her.  Hopefully, get the needed inspiration accordingly, right after your relaxing sufficiently.  Flexibly Yours, ~ Love365**Ps. 成花, 花苞, 幼苞, 葉子, 鋪石地; 是誰, 凝聚了注意力? 當置中的成花, 低調著, 內斂了; 佔主幅的葉群, 如常地, 輔助著.那蓄勢待發的花苞; 準備充分, 動能十足, 十分正向的, 結合志同道合的清晰淨潔的葉子們; 凝聚心力合作聚焦, 盡著一己之力.  偶爾, 或必要時, 換一下焦點, 吧!
    Sometimes, see the whole scene, instead of staring at the main object which generally positioned at the center or takes the most space. It could be anything, despite of the size/color, which draws your attention: enjoy her. Hopefully, get the needed inspiration accordingly, right after your relaxing sufficiently. Flexibly Yours, ~ Love365** Ps. 成花, 花苞, 幼苞, 葉子, 鋪石地; 是誰, 凝聚了注意力? 當置中的成花, 低調著, 內斂了; 佔主幅的葉群, 如常地, 輔助著. 那蓄勢待發的花苞; 準備充分, 動能十足, 十分正向的, 結合志同道合的清晰淨潔的葉子們; 凝聚心力合作聚焦, 盡著一己之力. 偶爾, 或必要時, 換一下焦點, 吧!
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