2021-05-04|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 6 分鐘

19_fOOd_W050321_Sincerity& 真摯

    ( La Bolduc/The Conductor/Little Italy& 天聲好手/首席指揮家/料理冤家)_Love365/GOOGLEblogger & Facebook & Vocus方格子MUSIC-oriented movies, edited based on the life stories( those happened in America), of the singer( Mrs. Mary Rose-Anne Bolduc, Canadian) and the conductor( Mrs. Antonia Brico, Dutch), in the 1920s/1930s, CUISINE-oriented( involving the family stories and the romance too), wonderfully mixing the Italy/Europe and the America, through the language of cooking and the emotion of the families.  Music/cuisine, 2 types of food, satisfy the mental/physical, get the most important food as love perfectly/steadily enriching the spiritual, making the world even beautiful.Get along with the events of life, calmly manage one by one, and overcome the difficulty step by step.  A brave individual, a responsible mother, and a successful stereotype for demonstrating the importance of being mentally/physically/financially independent as the priority.  Enjoy her singing confidently, would keep the inspiration from this true story in mind as encouraging.  ( Thought: La Bolduc)Stick on the goal, keep working on it.  All challenge, are what make us wiser and stronger.  Lead the movie about the personal life, by ourselves.  Tune in passion, for playing that music even pleasantly and powerfully.  ( Thought: The Conductor)Listen to the voice from the very inner, keep experiencing by positively taking actions.  Link well what we cherish, and get the circle of love firmly built and romantically organized.  Do remember to add the romance which gets us feel warm/confident, in preparing everyday.  ( Thought: Little Italy)Believe in ourselves, know what we’re good at( or what/whom we do love)!  Go for it!!  Engrossedly Yours, Love365**Ps. 勇敢作為, 堅強度過, 艱難困境; 嘹亮歌聲, 给了力.敬愛命運; 謙遜學習, 積極作為, 從容面對; 發揮了.人生過程, 抉擇時刻, 難免困惑; 愛真情摯, 自然地.  藉電影紀實, 前輩分享著, 心路歷程.貼切地示範; 捍衛天賦, 實現了夢想. 這實現的過程, 在歷史與社會上, 跨越疆域, 深遠地影響著.   在美滿人際, 家庭與己身愛戀上, 舉足輕重.   Pps. Outdoors AND Indoors: 透透氣囉, 外出走走. 計畫逛逛, 圖書館們; 映入眼簾, 心之所向, 類伴手禮, 回家享用; 通閱便利. 週邊鮮境, 順路走走, 如此旅遊, 也是一種. Ppps. fOOd:食糧種類, 千樣萬種; 吃些什麼, 細心謹慎, 自己掌握; 變成如何? 就, 順其自然! ~ @@HAVE A NICE DAY!!  Sincerely Yours, ~ Love365**
    ( La Bolduc/The Conductor/Little Italy& 天聲好手/首席指揮家/料理冤家)_Love365/GOOGLEblogger & Facebook & Vocus方格子 MUSIC-oriented movies, edited based on the life stories( those happened in America), of the singer( Mrs. Mary Rose-Anne Bolduc, Canadian) and the conductor( Mrs. Antonia Brico, Dutch), in the 1920s/1930s, CUISINE-oriented( involving the family stories and the romance too), wonderfully mixing the Italy/Europe and the America, through the language of cooking and the emotion of the families. Music/cuisine, 2 types of food, satisfy the mental/physical, get the most important food as love perfectly/steadily enriching the spiritual, making the world even beautiful. Get along with the events of life, calmly manage one by one, and overcome the difficulty step by step. A brave individual, a responsible mother, and a successful stereotype for demonstrating the importance of being mentally/physically/financially independent as the priority. Enjoy her singing confidently, would keep the inspiration from this true story in mind as encouraging. ( Thought: La Bolduc) Stick on the goal, keep working on it. All challenge, are what make us wiser and stronger. Lead the movie about the personal life, by ourselves. Tune in passion, for playing that music even pleasantly and powerfully. ( Thought: The Conductor) Listen to the voice from the very inner, keep experiencing by positively taking actions. Link well what we cherish, and get the circle of love firmly built and romantically organized. Do remember to add the romance which gets us feel warm/confident, in preparing everyday. ( Thought: Little Italy) Believe in ourselves, know what we’re good at( or what/whom we do love)! Go for it!! Engrossedly Yours, Love365** Ps. 勇敢作為, 堅強度過, 艱難困境; 嘹亮歌聲, 给了力. 敬愛命運; 謙遜學習, 積極作為, 從容面對; 發揮了. 人生過程, 抉擇時刻, 難免困惑; 愛真情摯, 自然地. 藉電影紀實, 前輩分享著, 心路歷程. 貼切地示範; 捍衛天賦, 實現了夢想. 這實現的過程, 在歷史與社會上, 跨越疆域, 深遠地影響著. 在美滿人際, 家庭與己身愛戀上, 舉足輕重. Pps. Outdoors AND Indoors: 透透氣囉, 外出走走. 計畫逛逛, 圖書館們; 映入眼簾, 心之所向, 類伴手禮, 回家享用; 通閱便利. 週邊鮮境, 順路走走, 如此旅遊, 也是一種. Ppps. fOOd: 食糧種類, 千樣萬種; 吃些什麼, 細心謹慎, 自己掌握; 變成如何? 就, 順其自然! ~ @@HAVE A NICE DAY!! Sincerely Yours, ~ Love365**
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