更新於 2021/08/28閱讀時間約 6 分鐘


匯東華的周末統計小小問題 :D
British Medical Journal,英國醫學期刊(British Medical Journal,簡稱 BMJ),是一份同行評審性質的綜合醫學期刊,創始於1840年,是最古老的醫學期刊之一。2020年的IF=39.890,在醫學研究領域享有盛名。
BMJ自2008年9月開始至2015年由兩位流行病與統計學專家持續出了300多期Statistical question系列。在這個系列中,兩位學者每次出一道統計與流行病學有關的選擇題作答及解釋。本系列將精選Statistical Question,採用中英對照,有興趣的朋友們可進行回答。
BMJ 統計問題(1):評估兩個連續變項線性相關程度最適合的分析方式為何?(單選)
A. 散佈圖 (Scatter plot)
B. OR值 (Odds ratio)
C. 長條圖 (Bar chart)
D. 相關係數 (Correlation)
How would you best assess the degree of linear association between two continuous variables?
a) Scatter plot
b) Odds ratio
c) Bar chart
d) Correlation
A scatter plot would display graphically the association between two continuous variables. The x axis displays values for one variable, and the y axis values for the other. Each point represents one paired measurement of each variable. This is a useful way to display the data and would show U shaped and other non-linear associations as well as linear associations.
However, a scatter plot does not measure an association. To put a number to it requires an assessment of correlation. Pearson’s correlation coefficient or Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient may be used to assess linear correlation. The correlation coefficient may take any value between 1 and −1: 0 represents no linear association, 1 represents a perfect straight line with y values increasing with increasing x values, −1 represents a perfect straight line with y values decreasing with increasing x values. Like other parametric techniques, Pearson’s correlation coefficient is sensitive to outlying values and may generate misleading P values when the y axis values are not normally distributed. Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient, like other non-parametric techniques, is less sensitive and more robust.
Odds ratios can be used to compare only dichotomous values. Odds express the probability of something happening divided by the probability of it not happening.
A bar chart is used to plot the frequency of a nominal variable (such as eye colour) or an ordinal variable (such as agreement with a survey question: “disagree strongly, disagree, agree, agree strongly.
勝算比(Odds ratios,OR):僅可用於比較二分類數值,勝算(Odds)表示事件發生的機率除以未發生的機率。
所以答案為 D (Correlation)
改編自:BMJ Statistical Question與「醫學論文與統計分析」鄭衛軍老師官網
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