2022-03-26|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 8 分鐘


你不必做任何事情。當你是正確的,生活才會真正展開。「蓮花」的整個古老象徵,這些壯麗的陳詞濫調,它們承載著如此深刻的真理,因為它就是這樣。這是一個展開。任何能夠獲得這些(Human Design/人類設計/人設圖/人類圖)知識的人都沒有理由不能滿足機械要求。它不需要任何特殊的神秘禮物。從我開始我的旅程的那一刻起,我就一直注意到,作為一個 Manifestor(顯現者),讓我感到憤怒的一件事是有人試圖將 Awareness(覺知)提升到某種不可思議的、無法實現的、開明的領域以及所有與此相關的東西。我能感覺到憤怒,因為這是一個如此可怕的謊言,而且如此無知。覺知是我們的權利。這是一件世俗的事情。正是 Personality(人格)的阻礙造成了所有這些錯覺。當你在那個人格背後,只是讓你的生活不受干擾地活出來的那一刻,就是你覺知到的那一刻。這是你在 cross(交叉點/十字架)上的那一刻。這是你活出你的個人資料、你的設計和你的爻線的服飾並觀看它的那一刻。你深深地擁抱它作為魔法,因為這是一個如此美妙的地方,乘客,如此自由。
我總是對知識和旅程感到擔憂。很多人通過尋找真相來逃避真相。你不會在這段旅程中找到答案。你會找到促進的。答案在你自己之內。它不能在其他任何地方。這是關於是否是你的機緣巧合,而不是選擇,而是臣服和臣服於你的「車輛」是否是你的機緣巧合。無論 Human Design 最終是什麼,它都是為了改變形式原則。它在這裡教給我們一個非凡的重要課程,即身體就是生命。如果你不允許這個身體以它原本打算運行的方式運行,你就會搞砸你的生活;轟隆(完了)。這不是關於你的旅行。這與你的 Mind(頭腦思維)無關,與你經歷的所有廢話、所有陰謀、這個和那個、這個和那個無關。這是世界的瘋狂。形式原則的美妙之處在於,當你放鬆到臣服,進入你的形式的完整性時,你會看到它提供了你的生命。
You don't have to do anything. When you‘re correct, life just unfolds, truly. The whole ancient symbol of a lotus, these magnificent clichés of the past, they carry such deep truths because it is what it is. It's an unfolding. And there is no reason for any human being who has access to this knowledge not to be able to fulfill the mechanical requirements. It doesn't take any special mystical gift. I have always noticed from the moment that I began my journey, the one thing that could make me angry as a Manifestor was somebody trying to exalt awareness into some kind of incredible, unattainable, enlightened field and all that stuff that goes with all that. I could feel the rage, because it‘s such a terrible lie and it is so ignorant. Awareness is our right. It is a mundane thing. It's the Personality getting in the way that creates all of this delusion. The moment that you're behind that Personality, just allowing your life to be lived out without interference, it‘s the moment that you're aware. It‘s the moment that you're on your cross. It's the moment that you live the costume of your profile and your design and your lines and you watch it. You embrace it deeply as the magic, because this is such a wonderful place to be, the passenger, so free.
I always have a concern about knowledge and journeys. So many people avoid the truth by looking for it. You're not going to find your answer in this journey. You're going to find stimulation. The answer is within yourself. It cannot be anyplace else. It is about whether it is your serendipity, not choice, but whether it is your serendipity to surrender, and to surrender to your vehicle. Whatever Human Design is in the end, it is here to transform the form principle. It is here to teach us an extraordinary essential lesson that the body is the life. If you do not allow this body to operate in the way that it was intended to operate you screw up your life; boom. It's not about your head trip. It's not about what your mind thinks, not about all the bullshit you go through, all the machinations, this and that, this and that. This is the madness of the world. The beauty of the form principle is that when you relax into surrender, into the integrity of your form you will see that it delivers, it gives you your life.
~ Ra Uru Hu
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