2022-11-06|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 8 分鐘

32 Secrets-One Republic

Producer-Ryan Tedder Reflects the struggles Ryan Tedder, the lead singer of OneRepublic, has faced in his writing career. Released-September 21, 2009-Album-Waking Up


I need another story Something to get off my chest My life gets kinda boring Need something that I can confess Till all my sleeves are stained red From all the truth that I've said Come by it honestly I swear Thought you saw me wink, no I've been on the brink
So tell me what you want to hear Something that will light those ears I'm sick of all the insincere So I'm gonna give all my secrets away This time Don't need another perfect lie Don't care if critics ever jump in line I'm gonna give all my secrets away
My God, amazing how we got this far It's like we're chasing all those stars Who's driving shiny big black cars And every day I see the news All the problems that we could solve And when a situation rises Just write it into an album Send it straight to gold But I don't really like my flow, no
So tell me what you want to hear Something that will light those ears I'm sick of all the insincere So I'm gonna give all my secrets away This time Don't need another perfect lie Don't care if critics ever jump in line I'm gonna give all my secrets away
Got no reason, got no shame Got no family I can blame Just don't let me disappear I may tell you everything
So tell me what you want to hear Something that'll light those ears I'm sick of all the insincere So I'm gonna give all my secrets away This time Don't need another perfect lie Don't care if critics ever jump in line I'm gonna give all my secrets away
So tell me what you want to hear Something that'll light those ears I'm sick of all the insincere So I'm gonna give all my secrets away This time Don't need another perfect lie Don't care if critics ever jump in line I'm gonna give all my secrets away
All my secrets away
All my secrets away
FAVORITE LINE When a situation rises, just write it into an album, send it straight to gold.
我並不是個誠實的人,倒也不是不想做或做不到,只是當腦中想像的故事比身體正在經歷的部分更加美好,那我願意在短暫的生命中,偶爾讓自己沉浸在想像裡。 時間久了,愛說故事的我,有時候也會分不清哪個版本,才是我需要相信的那個現實…。
「give all my secrets away我會揭露所有的謊言。」似乎決定面對真實的自己,但我質疑選擇誠實的動機,是決定面對你所相信的真實,抑或是為了獲取更大的流量(笑)? 畢竟他還說了「有什麼事情發生了,把它寫進某張專輯裡,讓它衝上排行榜。」霸氣十足。

魔法師的學徒》部分改編自迪士尼電影《幻想曲Fantasia》,劇中主角大衛(Dave Stutler)指揮掃把、 拖把清理地下室,以及後來魔法失控,造成嚴重混亂的橋段,還原了《幻想曲》的經典場景。 魔法師的學徒》圍繞在善良魔法師阻止邪惡魔法師釋放邪惡惡靈、奴役人類的任務。 看這齣電影,除了可以增加歌單裡的曲目以外,還可以學到如何成功的讓一位女神,成為你的女朋友。
第三,相處,課後補習真的是任何學業階段都試用的良藥呢! (去看看咱隔壁九把刀的愛情系列,似乎就懂了什麼…)
最後,先讓女孩經歷危險,再拯救那個女孩。 邪惡魔法師抓住貝琪,威脅大衛交出封印另一個邪惡魔法師的俄羅斯娃娃,這時大衛只好勉為其難的展示他強大的法力,讓貝琪對他刮目相看。

古希臘哲學家皮羅(Pyrrho),歷代最著名、可能也是最極端的懷疑論者。 他認為「沒有人知道任何事情,甚至連這一點都是不確定的」
舉例來說,你知道你現在正在讀這篇文章。 不過懷疑論主義(Scepticism)的信仰者會挑戰這一點,因為我們不會知道自己是真的在讀這篇文章,還是只是在想像中這麼做。
回到這首歌。 我是個很擅長編故事的人,也就是說,我很擅長說謊(玩劇本殺的時候可以明顯地感覺到)。 謊言或真相,有時候連我自己都難以辨認,甚至不確定這個當下是不是真實的。 但至少,我可以好好的體驗我正在經歷的事件們。

就是分享歌曲,無論你是想豐富自己的歌單,還是好奇JAD同學平常在房間裡飆的是哪個音符(並沒有人好奇),都可以來這裡逛逛。 文章內容除了簡單的歌曲資訊和歌詞以外,常常會出現不少與歌曲毫不相關的人生體悟、學習資訊、閱讀心得...之類的東西,希望可以陪伴大家很多個春夏秋冬喲!
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