更新於 2024/11/12閱讀時間約 7 分鐘


Writter —Passenger Singer — Passenager Producer — Chris Vallejo The fleeting nature of youth and the inevitable passing of time. Suzanne had it all in front of her and wasted it and now sits longing for something that can never happen again. November-13-2020 Songs For the Drunk and Broken Hearted


Who are you when the lights come up? // When the music fades and the crowd goes down? // Where did you land when the spinning stopped? // Are you far away in another town? // You were young and the lights were bright // You went dancing into the night // You always said it would turn out alright // Suzanne, will you tell me if you can? // Suzanne, is it everything you wanted? // Suzanne, Suzanne, is it everything you dreamed it would be? // You reached for the stars and you touched the sky // You fеll back down and you don't know why // But, Suzanne, you still shine bright to me // You arе the first one on and the last one off // Who do you see when the mask comes off? // With your red wine teeth and your smoker's cough // Suzanne, I'm sure you've had enough // But you never cared for what I had to say // Now you go sleeping all through the day // Please don't dream your life away // Suzanne, would you help me to understand? // Suzanne, is it everything you wanted? // Suzanne, Suzanne, is it everything you dreamed it would be? // For time takes everything she likes // And youth will leave like a thief in the night // But, Suzanne, you still shine bright to me // Now you're old and the lights are dim // The band won't play and the man won't sing // All the songs that he sang when you danced with him // Suzanne, can I take you by the hand? // Suzanne, is it everything you wanted? // Suzanne, Suzanne, is it everything you dreamed it would be? // You never knew the rules to the game // Drawn in like a moth to the flame // Suzanne, it is a crying shame // That they'll never know your name

FAVORITE LINE // Now you're old and the lights are dim

寫了那麼多未來的規劃,今天該來記錄一下近期的生活大事了。 這個月稱得上大事的,大概只有上個禮拜去的阿溪縱走勉強算是一個吧!
阿溪縱走。 以阿里山做為起點,途經眠月線美麗又考驗懼高者膽量的鐵道(摔下去粉身碎骨那種高)。 從第一天露營的石猴跋山涉水到水樣森林的路上,有一條岔路,繞進去會看到一棵被雷摧殘過的眠月神木,神木中空、帶著淡淡的香氣。 到達神木的時候,累得不成人形的大夥兒們(當然有部分的人口,還是很有活力的)欣賞完四周的景色後一個個癱坐在地上。
當時的我,除了原地讚嘆大自然的鬼斧神工以外,我腦子裡一邊佩服自己能夠一路走到那兒,一面偷偷的後悔自己參加了這考驗身心的旅程,順便思念下我家那永不背叛的,我的床。 當然,這一切哭天喊地的想像,都在下山以後,成為了我更健壯的肌肉們(自豪中)。

. 烏托邦
烏托邦一詞源自於十六世紀由湯瑪斯.摩爾Thomas More以拉丁文撰寫的《烏托邦 Utopia》一書。 書名《Utopia》由ou和topos兩個字組合而成,ou有「沒有」或「好」這兩種解讀方式,topos則是地方的意思。 合在一起解讀,就如同陶淵明《桃花源記》裡的桃花源一樣,是個美好卻不真實的理想國。 當然,除了摩爾和陶淵明這兩位歷史人物以外,當然還有不少人也提過相似的概念。
而在大多數有關烏托邦的文獻中,根據教育部在教育百科裡的的分類,有幾種常見的目的。 有基於抒發個人對現狀不滿而寫的「抒情文?」,也有試圖勾勒或指引人類努力方向的研究,有部份除了勾勒出的理想社會模型以外,還試著解釋了現有的缺失,甚至提供了改善現況的方案。

把視角拉回今天分享的歌曲。 歌曲的開始,我們看到一位年邁的女子,獨自一人坐在酒吧裡的包廂內。
桌上的那杯紅酒,帶我們進入她的回憶,來到了一場派對。 台上身穿白色西裝的樂團彈奏著樂器、唱著輕鬆的曲目,台下五彩繽紛的燈光,照映著少男少女們的臉龐,他們各自邀請心儀的對象,跟隨著舞曲輕輕的搖擺著。
年輕的小夥子追逐著女孩的腳步,走進了佈滿小燈泡的、像是夢境一般的地方。 他們深情的望進彼此的雙眼,似乎周圍的一切都逐漸模糊,只有眼中的彼此是清晰的。

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