2022-11-24|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 11 分鐘

Heilung 樂團介紹〈Othan〉這首曲子

Heilung 樂團貼文點我


Othan Othan is one of the compositions that, in a Heilung context, might appear as a relaxed song. Nevertheless, it contains ancient combat protection spells and words from Odin, the highest northern god and lord of war and poetry. The first part of the song is a combination of spells found on bracteates which are sometimes hard to understand or translate. These bracteates, pendants, were produced mostly during the Migration Period up until the 7th century AD in Northwestern Europe. They were mostly made from Roman gold, which the Germanic tribes had received as peace money. Interpretations of some inscriptions are still heavily debated amongst researchers. Some clues hint towards the words leek, ale or a cuckoo and can be loosely interpreted into a spell of some sorts. However, most of the time it seems to be rather difficult to grasp a meaningful sense in the inscriptions. Although the High One enjoys war, he also indulges in poetry. Othan therefore has a second part where the white mistress of incantations recites the words that the High One gave to man: a spell sung under the shields to bless them and protect the warriors. (Hávámal, stanza 156) In the third part the mood gets darker and we have now reached the point of an active combat spell. The power to stop an arrow in its flight is invoked. (Hávamál stanza 150) After that the name of the highest Nordic god is repeated in a wolfish, barking mantra, partly to transport the feeling, that the ancient Nordic warrior groups often perceived themselves as animal packs. This is for example described by Ibrahim Ibn Yaqub al-Tartushi, a 10th century traveller and merchant, who writes that the people of Hedeby sang in a barking manner.


▼以下為 Heilung 貼文的翻譯與註釋▼
Othan 在 Heilung 的風格中算是偏輕鬆的曲子,只不過,它仍包含了來自最高位的北歐神、詩歌與戰爭之主 — — 奧丁的古老戰鬥護咒。這首曲子的第一部分包含的咒文有時來自古幣上難以理解或翻譯的文字。
「難以理解或翻譯的文字」也就是盧恩文字 (Runes),多半是古弗薩克 (Elder Futhark);有些古幣會搭配一些人物插圖或特殊圖騰。
所謂「大遷徙 」是指四世紀到七世紀之間的,大規模民族移動的時代;對羅馬人來說是個黑暗時代,日耳曼人(盎格魯薩克遜人、歌德人、斯拉夫人、匈人等)在歐洲大陸上橫行,造成歐洲文化與勢力反覆多次的重新洗牌與羅馬帝國的衰亡。
有關古幣與墜子上的文字意涵在學術上仍在爭論與研究中。有一些線索指出像是 leek、ale 或 cuckoo 等可以被寬鬆地解釋為某種咒文用語。無論如何,多數時候都很難掌握這些銘文的意義。
leek 在古幣上的文字是「ᛚᚨᚢᚲᚨᛉ (laukaR)」、ale 是「ᚨᛚᚢ (alu)」、cuckoo 是「ᚷᚨᚲᚨᛉ (gakaR)」;確實如 Heilung 所說,目前為止這樣的字義理解是不是正確,還有很多討論空間。(惡趣味:有人發現粉專的 Logo 暗藏玄機嗎?)
儘管至高者(編:這裡指的就是奧丁)享受戰爭,它也沉迷於詩歌。Othan 因而有了第二部分中,奧丁給予人們且由白色的咒文女主所唸誦的 — — 於盾牌底下唱出以祝福並守護戰士們的術式 (Hávámal, stanza 156)。第三部分心情轉變得黑暗,而現在我們觸及激戰咒文之精義 — — 召喚來抵擋飛行箭矢的力量 (Hávamál stanza 150)。
「白色的咒文女主 (white mistress of incantations)」就是照片中的鹿角女子,即 Heilung 樂團中的女歌手 — — 瑪麗亞.佛朗茲 (Maria Franz)。在歌曲中她相當於扮演著北歐神話中蒂絲 (Dís) 那般擁有超自然力量的女性。
至於哈瓦馬爾 (Hávámal) 則是《詩體埃達》(the Poetic Edda)(又稱「老愛達 (the Elder Edda)」)當中的一個章節,這個章節主要內容在於指導人們如何正確行事、如何有智慧地生活等哲學思想。而 Heilung 提及的這兩段詩歌可以更仔細地索引到哈瓦馬爾中的「奧丁的符文曲 (RunatalsÞáttr Oðins/Odin’s Rune-song)」。
⌘|Hávámal, stanza 156▼
For the eleventh I know, if I have to lead my ancient friends to battle, under their shields I sing, and with power they go safe to the fight, safe from the fight; safe on every side they go.
實際上這首曲子的歌詞在前段的咒文詠唱後,接著的就是 "Hávámal, stanza 156" 的原文(冰島文,最接近《詩體埃達》時代的語言)▼
Þat kann ek it ellipta ef ek skal til orrostu leiða langvini undir randir ek gel en þeir með ríki fara heilir hildar til heilir hildi frá koma þeir heilir hvaðan
⌘|Hávamál stanza 150▼
For the fifth I know, I see a shot from a hostile hand, a shaft flying amid the host, so swift it cannot fly that I cannot arrest it, if only I get sight of it.
在那之後,至高北歐神的名諱似狼嚎般重複鳴頌著,咆嘯出箴言;一部分也傳達出,古代北歐戰士們經常感受到的自己— —那猶如獸群的情緒。這是一個由十世紀旅人兼商人的亞伯拉罕.班.雅各布 (Ibrahim Ibn Yaqub al-Tartushi) 所描述的例子,黑德彼 (Hedeby) 的人們用咆嘯的方式在歌唱。
補充:黑德彼在今日丹麥的南部。"al-Tartushi" 表示亞伯拉罕來自今日西班牙的托爾托薩 (Tortosa),當時由摩爾人 (Moors) 統治。當時有許多阿拉伯人在歐洲大陸上行商、遊走,另外一個比較知名的日耳曼人觀察者也是阿拉伯人,叫艾哈邁德.伊本.法德蘭 (Ahmad ibn Fadlan),她當時遭遇到的是瑞典的維京人;聲稱這輩子沒見過比這些人體格更完美的人種:「他們跟耶棗樹一樣高,金髮、藍瞳且皮膚紅潤。」


不過,再讓我囉嗦幾句聊一下歌名「Othan」的字義,這個字以冰島文發音是「Oðan」,意思是「瘋狂 (crazy/mad)」。而這個字來自於「Óðinn」,也就是「Odin」,即奧丁。
應該有不少朋友是透過北歐民謠 (Nordic Folk) 認識古北歐。現在有非常多傑出的北歐民謠音樂人以古北歐語 (Old Norse) 創作,有的則直接將古北歐詩歌唱出。少數樂團還藏了大量北歐神話、人類學、盧恩學 (Runology) 的線索。
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