"Delightfully sweet like a lollipop🍭, Just Like Heaven is a dreamy romantic comedy that may give you a toothache when it attempts to broach difficult end of life issues by throwing a cherry 🍒 on top."
P.s.劇情需要女主角全套戲只係得4-5套戲服,男主角又hea著 真係慳返唔少budget
P.p.s. 套戲budget US$58M Box office 收返$102.9M 😱
P.p.p.s Reese Witherspoon最近都有套愛情喜劇《Your place or mine 換屋假期》上左netflix ,今年已經四十有六 但佢仲keep得好好 ,兩個仔女都成廿歲仲要顏值超高