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Kate Nash - Kiss That Grrrl

    熱21已有 86 次閱讀 2010-09-26 21:29
    1987年英國出生的Kate Nash(不但能彈奏guitar, 連keyboard也一手包辦)...我在網路上找到些資料...凡是用引號" "中間的都是別人的文字ㄛ...但是由於引用別的網址會被伊莉屏蔽...因此小如在此未能提供網址...英式的咬字...由於歌曲的曲風不同...有些歌聽來顯得聲音不柔美...有些卻又能享受到咬字清晰的美感...畢竟文字是有美感的...

    "indie和pop間的融合相當合拍, 加點electric的味道, 跟著Kate Nash極富個性的嗓音, 有屬於年輕的甜美, 也有青春成長的苦澀。細細品嚐和回味, 能在Kate Nash的音樂裡發現美妙和溫暖。漸漸能體會"Foundations"能爬昇到UK Chart #2的魅力在哪裡, 連我也不禁迷上了它的輕快和悅耳; 柔情派的"Birds"永遠是打動人心的最佳利器; 不斷在lyric重覆著"I can be alone yeah, I can watch a sunset on my own" 的 "Merry Happy", 鋼琴的彈奏相當令人投入, 小女孩的孤單地呢喃, 聽來卻如此堅強。秋季即將來臨, 而Kate Nash的音符為我的餘夏帶來了最後那麼一抺清涼。"

    由於這是新片子...不知道何時會被下架哩...趁 youtube還有六首官方釋放的歌曲...聽聽囉...

    *Kate Nash - Foundations

    *Kate Nash - Kiss That Grrrl

    *Kate Nash - Do-Wah-Doo

    *Kate Nash - Pumpkin Soup (這一首放的時候有點斷斷續續的...)

    *Kate Nash - Mouthwash

    *Kate Nash - BlackBook Photoshoot

    Kate Nash
    Kate Marie Nash (born 6 July 1987) is an English singer, songwriter, and musician. She had a UK #2 hit "Foundations" in 2007, followed by the platinum selling UK number 1 album Made of Bricks. She was named Best Female Artist at the 2008 BRIT Awards.
    Her second studio album, entitled My Best Friend Is You was released in the United Kingdom on 19 April 2010 and in the U.S. on 11 May 2010, and spawned her second biggest chart hit to date "Do-Wah-Doo".
    Personal life
    Since early 2007, she has been in a relationship with Ryan Jarman, vocalist and guitarist of British indie rock band The Cribs.
    In 2008, following intensive touring Nash had what she described as a "proper breakdown". Nash experienced a relapse of obsessive-compulsive disorder, which she had a mild case of as a child. After a conversation with a friend Nash became a vegetarian, a lifestyle change which she credits with controlling the disorders.
    On 2 September 2009, Nash began using her MySpace and Facebook pages to help spread the word of a young girl called Tilly who lost her hands due to Meningococcal disease. She used an auction on eBay to help donate money to the five-year-old girl's parents so that she can afford to have her very own pair of hands.
    Main article: Kate Nash discography
    Made of Bricks (2007)
    My Best Friend Is You (2010)

    "勇奪2008年全英音樂獎和Q雜誌「最佳新人」+NME「最佳歌手」+美國音樂著作權協會(簡稱ASCAP)的「先鋒獎」,贏得一面倒好評的鬼靈精怪音樂小才女Kate Nash,可愛中帶著個性,天馬行空的拼貼多樣元素,呈現最討人歡喜的七彩音符!
      全名Kate Marie Nash,來自英國倫敦,從小學習鋼琴彈奏,從音樂世界發掘自己的潛力。在一次意外中跌傷雙腳,於休養期間開始累積創作功力,同時將以前斷斷續續寫的舊作逐一完成,期許未來能有機會公開發表自己的作品。傷癒之後Kate積極投效音樂產業,並申請MySpace網頁分享她的音樂,沒想到招攬到大批粉絲,很快的被獨立廠牌相中出版雙A面單曲“Caroline’s a Victim/Birds”,限量一千張短時間內銷售一空,順利進入Fiction Records旗下。2007年發行首張處女航『Made Of Bricks』,甫推出即空降全英冠軍,隔年轉戰美國市場,拿下告示牌第36名的好成績,於歐洲各國皆傳來捷報,陸續開出勝利的花朵。
      第二張大碟【My Best Friend Is You】,請到前Suede超級吉他手Bernard Butler(Duffy、The View、The Libertines)主鎮操盤。以快活順暢的“Paris”揭啟序幕,輕巧明亮的鋼琴愉悅彈奏,趁入弦樂適時輔佐,敲醒雙耳感官的聆聽世界;搭建最復古靈魂風味的“Kiss That Grrrl”,是對企圖勾引男友的野女孩釋放冷箭,讓男友眼和心的焦點再度投射回來;只有簡短幾句歌詞的“I Just Love You More”,卻貫穿噪音吉他野放猛刷,和歇斯底里的演繹方式,倒灌許多驚人的暴衝能量;第一主打“Do-Wah-Doo”,吉他和鋼琴的動人穿繞,外帶合音的柔美輔佐,散發些許龐克力度,深受好評的踏入英國金榜Top15;剛聽“I’ve Got A Secret”前幾秒鐘,以為是Blur的經典“Song 2”,急轉直下的中板迷離徐緩節拍,供給奇情的音樂圖像;還有精緻好聽到不可思議的“Early Christmas Present”、甜美大解放的“Later On”、頹廢無助的“You Were So Far Away”、Acoustic的“I Hate Seagulls”,都是Kate Nash一次獻上的百變情節,也是你會情不自禁迷戀上的「好朋友」…"
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