更新於 2023/06/28閱讀時間約 5 分鐘


「摺疊式嬰兒車」英文是stroller、pram、perambulator及baby carriage。當你在學習這個生活美語詞彙時,可以從stroll(散步)及stroller(幼兒推車)兩個簡易生字循序漸進學會其他相關易混淆英文生字。
The newly wed couple took a stroll along the scenic beach. (新婚夫婦沿著風景如畫的海灘散步。)
After a long day at work, I strolled along the park to clear my mind. (在一整天漫長工作後,我在公園散步以靜心。)
The mother pushed the stroller while the toddler happily took a stroll in the park.(媽媽推著嬰兒車,寶寶在公園裡開心地散步。)
🧐名詞pram(幼兒推車)源自於perambulator (名詞,【主英】嬰兒推車),perambulate (動詞,漫步)。口語英文pram(手推嬰兒車)是書寫perambulator的簡稱。
🍀例句 ④
The father pushed the pram along the park pathway, enjoying the serene surroundings and morning fresh air. (父親推著嬰兒車沿著公園小徑,享受寧靜的環境和早晨新鮮的空氣。)
🍀例句 ⑤
The young couple pushed their newborn baby in a perambulator and leisurely strolled through the park. (年輕夫婦推著他們的新生兒在嬰兒車裡,在公園裡休閒地散步。)
Tourists perambulate along Avenue des Champs-Élysées to appreciate its scenic view. (觀光客漫步於巴黎香榭里大道欣賞美景。)
🌷當你在背誦perambulate (動詞,漫步)英文字時,可以將此字藉由字根、拆字、造句三大方法,幫助自己統整與perambulate相關生字延伸用法。
👍ambulance →n.救護車
字源:amb周圍+ul行走 +ance名詞結尾
While the siren was wailing loudly, the ambulance rushed to the scene of the accident to provide emergency medical assistance. (救護車警報器大聲鳴響,急速駛往事故現場,以提供緊急醫療援助。)
👍ambulate = = move around = walk→v.移動;步行
字源:amb周圍+ul行走 +ate動詞結尾
After undergoing physical therapy, the injured athlete was able to ambulate with the assistance of a walker. (在經過物理治療後,受傷的運動員能在助行架協助下步行。)
👍ambulant = able to walk around →adj.會走路的;能走動的,無需臥床的
字源:amb周圍+ul行走 +ant作…動作的
Parents should protect newly ambulant toddlers from getting injured around the home. (父母親應該保護剛學會走路的幼童在家裡避免受傷。)
Ambulant patients recover better than bed-ridden ones. (無需臥床的病人比臥床者恢復更好。)
👍perambulate = move about for pleasure →v.漫步,徜徉
字源:per通過+amb周圍+ul行走 +ate動詞結尾
City dwellers perambulate in the park for pleasure. (城市居民在公園休閒地散步。)
👍baby carriage
🌷總結:善用字根、拆字、口訣、造句四大方法,及思學辨過程,輕鬆學stroll、stroller(手推嬰兒車)、ambulance(救護車)、ambulate(移動;步行)、ambulant(會走路的;能走動的,無需臥床的)、perambulate(漫步,徜徉)、perambulator(手推嬰兒車)、pram(手推嬰兒車)、baby carriage(手推嬰兒車)九個易混淆生字。
🌷圖片出處:Bing線上圖片Creative Commons
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