更新於 2023/08/16閱讀時間約 4 分鐘

漢尼拔相關+《Become the Beast》

這首是《Hannibal》的Fan Song,喜歡“雙面人魔漢尼拔”的同好,十之八九都知道,還沒入坑的小夥伴也歡迎入坑喔!







I've always been a hunter

Nothing on my tail

But there was something in you

I knew could make that change

To capture a predator

You can't remain the prey

You have to become

An equal

In every way

So look in the mirror

And tell me, who do you see?

Is it still you?

Or is it me?

Become the beast

We don't have to hide

Do I terrify you

Or do you feel alive?

Do you feel the hunger

Does it howl inside?

Does it terrify you?

Or do you feel alive?

Splinters of my soul

Cut through your skin

And burrow within

And burrow within

Splinters of my soul

Cut through your skin

And burrow within

And burrow within

So embrace the darkness

And I will help you see

That you can be limitless

And fearless

If you follow me

We are the lions

In a world of lambs

We are the predators

The hunters

The hunters

The hunters

Become the beast

We don't have to hide

Do I terrify you?

Or do you feel alive?

Do you feel the hunger

Does it howl inside?

Does it terrify you?

Or do you feel alive?

Splinters of my soul

Cut through your skin

And burrow within

And burrow within

Splinters of my soul

Cut through your skin

And burrow within

And burrow within

Splinters of my soul

Cut through your skin

And burrow within

And burrow within

Splinters of my soul

Cut through your skin

And burrow within

And burrow within

Do you feel the hunger

Does it howl inside?

Does it terrify you?

Or do you feel alive?

OS:不得不說,作為一個長期寫小說的文字創作者,音樂或是bgm成為了我們在碼字的時候很大的協助,若是沒有這首“Become the Beast”,《故事被風吹走》壓根生不出來啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!!!(抱頭崩潰

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