為自己聽~The Best Book I've Ever Read about Making Money by Ali

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This morning would be a remarkable morning in 2023 for I got my first income, one dollar, through writing something on this platform.

Money is not my primary aim in writing; instead, I view it as an outcome of reading, contemplation, and writing. It's truly inspiring to engage with others' book reviews, igniting a desire in me to take notes. Writing serves as my means to internalize and manifest these ideas.

This content creator has delved into numerous books on wealth accumulation, prominently recommending "The Millionaire Fastlane." Although the potential for swift riches exists, easy wealth isn't guaranteed. The following are five methods for achieving rapid affluence:

  1. Avoid slow lane
    Be cautious of three traps: safety trap, time for money and belief trap. Safety trap often masquerades the comfort zone. Our parents tend to tell us to study hard, get a good job, and then retire with annual pensions. Our lives seems to be secured; however, there aren't always sunny days .
    Trading time for money is also a slow lane to wealth. Time is limited and very valuable. It's wiser to generate money without excessive time investment.
  2. Wealth isn't an event.
    People just remember the event/ outcome of someone making a big fortune, but overlook the whole process to it.
  3. Build money trees
    Four types of money trees we may grow are rental, distribution, softwar and content systems. The rental system involves leasing available real estates or lisencing. I don't get clear understanding of distribution system. The youtuber uses amazon and AppSumo for examples. I think it plays a role as matching the need and the supply. Writing a book or building a YT may turn the content into cashflow.
  4. Switch from being a consumer ito a producer
  5. Show commitment, not just show interest
    Many Taiwanese like to visit temples, burning incense sticks and wishing upon getting rich. All they do is burning incense sticks and paper money. Many people are interested in becoming a millionaire, but do less to achieve it. Again, actions speak louder than words.

To build a business helps get rich easier. Here are five commandment of building a business.

  1. The commandment of need. Supply somethig people want. That's where the business is.
  2. The commandment of entry. Build a business with higher entry barrier. That's to say, it's hard to be copied and goes with less competitors. Build a youtube is not easy. It demands more than casual conversations, especially when it's a content money tree.
  3. The commandment of control. If we could not get good control business factors like pricing or quality, it would not be a proper business. Further, it may ruin reputation or get you into trouble.
  4. The commandment of Scale. According to the Law of Effection, in order to be a millionaire, we have to impact a million people.
  5. The commandment of time. Building wealth requires patience and persistence over time.


小野兔的沙龍 的其他內容
This morning, i went back to school for a short discussion with my partner. Luckily, we ended this task before 11 o'clock, and i owed it to the ...
This morning started with a sudden rain when i was still in bed. Raindrops hit the leaves in the yard, like dancing spirits. Thanks God!
I listened to this audio clip while I took a walk along the road to the downtown park. It started with a comfortable walk but ended with a run in th
I listened to the audio clip with two purposes. One was to motivate myself when i was jogging; the other one was to train myself for better skill
這一本書,並非為小兒朗讀,而是為了自己。      而誰為我挑了這本書?我想是老爸! 阿嬤一直問:你最近有無夢見你老爸?      我的回答:最近沒有。      是的!我不是夢見,而是感受到。
This morning, i went back to school for a short discussion with my partner. Luckily, we ended this task before 11 o'clock, and i owed it to the ...
This morning started with a sudden rain when i was still in bed. Raindrops hit the leaves in the yard, like dancing spirits. Thanks God!
I listened to this audio clip while I took a walk along the road to the downtown park. It started with a comfortable walk but ended with a run in th
I listened to the audio clip with two purposes. One was to motivate myself when i was jogging; the other one was to train myself for better skill
這一本書,並非為小兒朗讀,而是為了自己。      而誰為我挑了這本書?我想是老爸! 阿嬤一直問:你最近有無夢見你老爸?      我的回答:最近沒有。      是的!我不是夢見,而是感受到。
Google News 追蹤
這本書主要是拆解有錢人為什麼會有錢,並且告訴我們其中的方法,接下來會有一系列的分享,每次希望讓你們閱讀一分鐘左右的時間,了解一點點即可~ 五種創業金錢樹苗 書中有推薦五個創業的方向,訂閱製軟體、內容訂閱、出租系統、媒合平台、人力資源 訂閱軟體:提供服務,讓消費者持續訂閱,找出消
【這本書推薦給誰讀?】 1.想經營Youtube或自媒體的人。 書裡頭的觀念都很實用,可以立即套用到自己的創作上! 2.不想做內容的人。 即便你沒有要做內容,也可以學到一些不錯的觀念,並運用在自己身上。
大家好,我是小畢,本書作者透過在五年內研究兩百多個富人和一百多個窮人,結論顯示富人和窮人的主要差異並非一般人的既定印象,例如富人受過較高的教育,或是透過繼承大筆財產,而是和思想,行動和習慣有關,因此作者整理出富人的三十個富習慣,接下來我會分享這些習慣中有哪些可以應用在投資上。 首先富人的收入是
這本是由今周刊出版的投資理財書籍,主要作者之一是知名的肯恩.費雪,這本書主要在介紹10種賺大錢的類型,譬如創業、求職、成為明星、房地產、創作、投資、甚至是和好對象結婚。 10種類型分成10個章節介紹,每個章節都有針對該類型做深入的說明,以上提到的賺錢方式,肯定不會有人全部都做,能夠做好其中的一兩種就
脫貧致富的七大關鍵 金句:大道至簡,遵循經得起時間考驗的七大法則,便能邁向致富之道。 富翁說:
1-3章重點 第1章 開創事業的第一步 開始賺錢的方法就是實際展開行動。 本章重點: 光靠閱讀可無法讓你成功。 所有跟賺錢相關的絕妙點子在真的被付諸行動之前,其實一點價值都沒有。 真正有資格給你建議、告訴你能做什麼的人,就是你自己。 很多人創業時都會犯一個錯:他生產的是自己喜歡的商品,
這本書主要是拆解有錢人為什麼會有錢,並且告訴我們其中的方法,接下來會有一系列的分享,每次希望讓你們閱讀一分鐘左右的時間,了解一點點即可~ 五種創業金錢樹苗 書中有推薦五個創業的方向,訂閱製軟體、內容訂閱、出租系統、媒合平台、人力資源 訂閱軟體:提供服務,讓消費者持續訂閱,找出消
【這本書推薦給誰讀?】 1.想經營Youtube或自媒體的人。 書裡頭的觀念都很實用,可以立即套用到自己的創作上! 2.不想做內容的人。 即便你沒有要做內容,也可以學到一些不錯的觀念,並運用在自己身上。
大家好,我是小畢,本書作者透過在五年內研究兩百多個富人和一百多個窮人,結論顯示富人和窮人的主要差異並非一般人的既定印象,例如富人受過較高的教育,或是透過繼承大筆財產,而是和思想,行動和習慣有關,因此作者整理出富人的三十個富習慣,接下來我會分享這些習慣中有哪些可以應用在投資上。 首先富人的收入是
這本是由今周刊出版的投資理財書籍,主要作者之一是知名的肯恩.費雪,這本書主要在介紹10種賺大錢的類型,譬如創業、求職、成為明星、房地產、創作、投資、甚至是和好對象結婚。 10種類型分成10個章節介紹,每個章節都有針對該類型做深入的說明,以上提到的賺錢方式,肯定不會有人全部都做,能夠做好其中的一兩種就
脫貧致富的七大關鍵 金句:大道至簡,遵循經得起時間考驗的七大法則,便能邁向致富之道。 富翁說:
1-3章重點 第1章 開創事業的第一步 開始賺錢的方法就是實際展開行動。 本章重點: 光靠閱讀可無法讓你成功。 所有跟賺錢相關的絕妙點子在真的被付諸行動之前,其實一點價值都沒有。 真正有資格給你建議、告訴你能做什麼的人,就是你自己。 很多人創業時都會犯一個錯:他生產的是自己喜歡的商品,