別擔心!米小鹹幫你準備了一些重要的中秋節英文單字,讓你面對外國人可以自信談話、順利套交情 !
接下來我們會先學月餅、柚子、烤肉、賞月、團圓英文怎麼說,以及一些有趣的英文情境對話,最後還會分享 10 個中秋節英文祝福語,讓你寫卡片或傳訊息時可以用喔!
常見的中秋節英文說法是 Mid-Autumn Festival。
Mid 是從 middle(中間)來的,Autumn 是「秋天」,Festival 是「節慶」。
另外,也有人會說 Moon Festival(月亮節)。
那要怎麼用簡單的英文跟外國人介紹中秋節和各種應景的活動呢?以下給你參考 :
The Mid-Autumn Festival is on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month.
It usually falls in September or October on our regular calendar.
During this festival in Taiwan, people eat mooncakes and pomelos, have a barbecue, admire the moon, and spend time with their family.
米小鹹曾當過 20 幾年的英文啞巴,跌跌撞撞好久才慢慢開始抓到學習訣竅。
後來竟然變成英文老師,教了 10+ 年,讓 1000+ 個學生少走許多彎路。
我完全可以理解你「想講卻講不出來」的痛苦,所以決定整理 6 個可以幫你提高「英文口說流利度」的方法和觀念,馬上寄到你的 email 信箱!
月餅英文是 mooncake,字面上就是「月亮(moon)+ 蛋糕(cake)」,很簡單吧!
A: I’ve heard that people in Taiwan enjoy mooncakes during the Mid-Autumn Festival. What are they like?
B: Mooncakes are delicious round pastries. They typically have sweet fillings inside, like red bean paste or lotus seed paste. Sometimes, there’s even a salted egg yolk in the middle!
柚子英文是 pomelo,米小鹹發現在台灣很少人知道柚子英文怎麼說,剛好趁現在一起學習吧!
A: Did you buy more pomelos? Oh no! Your uncle just sent us a lot.
B: It’s alright! The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming. We can share some pomelos with our neighbors.
烤肉英文很多人都知道是 barbecue,但 10 個人有 9 個會用錯這個字!
很多人會說 We are going to barbecue tonight,但其實應該是 We are going to have a barbecue tonight 才對,為什麼?
barbecue 當動詞時,其實是指「用烤肉架烤(肉)」的動作,而不是「舉辦烤肉活動」,像這樣 : I want to barbecue some sausages. Do you want some?(我想要烤一些香腸。你想要來一些嗎?)
所以「我們今晚要烤肉」講 We are going to barbecue tonight 意思就怪怪的了,變成「我們今晚要烤(不知道什麼肉)」。
改成 We are going to have a barbecue tonight 才是正確的,have a barbecue 是動詞片語「舉辦烤肉活動」,這裡的 barbecue 是名詞「烤肉活動」。
A: Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival! Are you going to have a barbecue in the yard?
B: Yeah! I bought a great grill yesterday. We can cook tasty food on it.
觀賞/欣賞英文是 admire,所以賞月英文就是 admire the moon。
你也可以說 enjoy the moon,有享受月景的意思。
A: The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon! Are you going out with your friends that day?
B: Nope, I want to admire the moon with my family that night.
團聚/團圓英文是 reunion,通常用在大家各自在不同的地方生活很久沒見,因為某個活動或節日而特別聚在一起,是比較正式一點的用詞。
字首的 re- 有「再一次」的意思,union 是名詞「合併、聯合」。
另外補充一下,聚會英文是 gathering,或更口語的 get-together,也可以用動詞片語 get together 或 spend time with someone(花時間和某人在一起、陪伴某人)。
A: What are your plans for the Mid-Autumn Festival?
B: I’m having a get-together with friends in the afternoon and a family reunion in the evening.
(因為我還要照顧我家嬰兒,所以一星期最多只有 5 個名額喔)
1. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!
2. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to you and your family!
3. May the moon bring you good luck and happiness tonight.
4. May your life be as bright as the full moon in the sky.
5. May the moonlight illuminate your path to success in the coming year.
6. Hope you have a sweet and joyful Mid-Autumn Festival filled with love.
7. Hope your life is as sweet and delightful as the mooncakes you enjoy.
8. Wishing you lots of fun under the moonlight.
9. Wishing you a Mid-Autumn Festival filled with beautiful moments.
10. Let the moonlight carry away your worries and bring peace to your heart.
★ 獨家學英文秘訣,錯過會後悔一輩子!
趕緊用 Email、Line、FB、IG 追蹤米小鹹吧~
★ 推薦閱讀:
2. 學英文要花多少時間,才可以不用再學?公開我的英文學習時數、每個階段的成果!
3. 成人英文零基礎/初級,如何快速學英文?他工作忙碌從零開始,10 個月後竟然已經能…
6. 鬼門開 / 中元節 英文怎麼說?這樣跟外國人簡單介紹就對了!
7. 「連假」英文是什麼?如何用英文解釋「彈性放假、補班、補假」?
8. 「問題」英文該用 problem、question 還是 issue?說錯真的好糗啊…
9. 【戒掉中式英文】「應該可以」不能說 should can!為什麼?怎麼說才正確?
10. 【英文文法懶人包】你對 ing 用法感到困惑?原來在這 7 種情況,字尾都會有 ing!
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