在歐美自助旅遊時,the Michelin Guide(米其林美食)用餐經驗可能是某些人的bucket list(一個人在死之前想要做的所有事情的平生夢想單)。
現在這本由French tiremaker(法國輪胎製造商)擁有的eponymous(同名刊物)即將為全世界旅館做評鑑。身為歐美自主旅遊高度中毒者,非常開心和讀者分享這則今天早上,我在Bloomberg(彭博社)新聞快報中讀到的標題及前兩段的新聞內容。
The Michelin Guide Is Coming for Hotels
As part of an aggressive global expansion strategy, the famed restaurant reviewer is bringing “keys” —not stars─ to the lucrative hotel industry.
“After 123 years of recommending restaurants, the Michelin Guide is moving into the hotel world. At an event on Oct. 5 in Paris, the eponymous publication owned by the French tiremaker announced it would start designating “the most exceptional hotels across the world” not with one, two or three stars, but with a “key” emblem. It will allocate them based on five criteria: having a local character, individuality, excellence in architecture and interior design, top service and comfort, and a consistent value-for-price.”