2023-11-03|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 14 分鐘

[Incredible India] India Hyderabad Travel 印度海德拉巴遊記 EP4


Today is October 6th, 2023, and I've been in Hyderabad for three days already. Today is also a very important day because it's my friend's birthday!! I want to wish her a happy birthday here~

今天的行程就比較輕鬆一點,我們先到朋友家享用了傳統的Dosai, 我很喜歡吃Dosai後來才得知平常吃到那種很脆的都是要在餐廳吃,在家吃到的都是軟軟的。但是也很好吃別有一番風味。朋友準備了三種Dosai,一種是像煎餅一樣沒有放任何東西,一種是有包洋蔥的。兩種都很好吃,重點是!人家有在煮飯的一看就知道,那個姿勢很動作都很到位。真是羨慕會煮飯的人。

Today's schedule is a bit more relaxed. We first went to a friend's house and enjoyed traditional Dosai. I really like eating Dosai, and I later learned that the kind that's very crispy is usually eaten in restaurants, while the ones at home are soft. But they're also very delicious and have a unique flavor. Our friend prepared three types of Dosai, one was like plain pancakes with nothing added, and the other had green onions in it. Both were very tasty, and the best part is that you can tell just by watching that they know how to cook, with such precise and skillful movements. I really envy people who can cook.


My new good friend also has dosai with strawberry jam for dinner every day, so I wanted to learn from my new friend. But when I asked my new friend's mom for Nutella, she refused, and I felt a little sad.


After eating, our friend took us with her to do something together, and we also experienced the Auto. The road was really chaotic, and we couldn't hear each other talking, so I had to speak loudly. This made the young man keep looking back and wonder what was happening. Maybe he thought I was a unique foreigner.Look how happy the young man is laughing~"

中午前往慶生的餐廳,吃了超多傳統的印度食物, 我覺得開胃菜的雞肉跟蝦子真的無敵好吃,但是重點是也是無敵辣,其實辣到我隔天開始胃痛,但是因為真的超好吃我就忍不住多吃了幾口。

We went to a restaurant for a birthday celebration and ate a lot of traditional Indian food. I think the chicken and shrimp appetizer is incredibly delicious, but the key point is that it's also incredibly spicy. In fact, it was so spicy that my stomach started hurting the next day, but because it was really delicious, I couldn't resist eating a few more bites.

之後又去吃了冰淇淋, 每個口味都很好吃喔,也不會太甜

After we went to eat Ice Cream, Every flavor is delicious, and they're not too sweet either.


The reflections so far are - if you have a certain economic foundation, living in India can actually be quite comfortable. For instance, when it comes to services, waitstaff do more than just take orders; they also help with serving the food. If you want seconds after finishing your meal, you can simply ask them to serve more. After you're done eating, someone will come to clear the table (although everything is quite unfamiliar). In terms of housing, the layouts are quite good, and better homes have elevators. Typically, a two-bedroom apartment has two bathrooms, and some even have large balconies and so on. If you have more money, you can live in even nicer buildings with modern designs that match the environment.

時間過得很快,又到了晚餐時間,晚餐朋友帶我們去吃阿拉伯料理-Mandi, 不知道中文怎麼說,但是來的時候超級無敵大的一盤飯,但是真的好吃,感覺米飯裡面有充滿有一些特別的調味但是又不是那種都是辛香料的味道,點的是羊肉,一樣羊肉味道不會太重。所以可以安心吃。開胃菜是炸蝦真的無敵好吃 ,我的結論是在印度的開胃菜吃蝦跟烤雞真的無敵超級讚!甜點kunafa, 是挺甜的但是真的不錯吃~

Time passed quickly, and it was dinner time again. Our friends took us to an Arabic restaurant for Mandi, which I'm not sure how to say in Chinese. But when it arrived, it was an incredibly huge plate of rice, and it was really delicious. The rice seemed to be filled with some special seasoning that wasn't just the usual spicy flavors. We ordered lamb, and the lamb flavor wasn't too strong, so it was safe to eat. The appetizer was fried shrimp, which was incredibly delicious. My conclusion is that in Indian appetizers, shrimp and grilled chicken are absolutely fantastic! For dessert, we had kunafa. It's quite sweet, but it's really good to eat.

晚上就是去遊車河,後面我也懶得走路了。畢竟地很大走路好累。主要的目的地是Hyderabad Necklace River, 中間聽到海得拉巴人非常喜歡吃冰淇淋,因此在環湖的過程中可以看到超多冰淇淋餐車,聽說他們就算下雨天也要出來吃冰淇淋。算是有趣的傳聞。看看這個湖多大~其實如果可以的話還是可以走走停停環環湖也是不錯。


  1. Indian National Flag: the biggest one in India
  2. Buddha Statue
  3. Telangana secretariat building
  4. .... too many Statues.

In the evening, I went to Hussain Sagar Lake, and I was too lazy to walk further. After all, the place is quite vast, and walking can be tiring. The main destination was Hyderabad Necklace Road. Along the way, I heard that people in Hyderabad love to eat ice cream, so during the lake tour, you can see numerous ice cream carts. I heard they even come out to eat ice cream on rainy days. That's an interesting rumor. Look at the size of this lake – it's quite large. If possible, taking a leisurely walk around the lake is a good idea.

Here are a few things you must see:

- The Indian National Flag: the largest one in India

- Buddha Statue

- Telangana Secretariat Building

- Many statues too.


A fulfilling day comes to an end here~ Good night, everyone!


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