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(Scroll down for English!) 看到我(蕃薯媽媽)自己寫了很多跟鴨脷洲有關的帖子後(完全不是故意的!正好那裡有很多事情要做!)讓我想起了一句話:
關於鴨脷洲最後一篇文章的另一個巧合點是,我終於在上週五提交了我的博士論文的最終版本。經過 4.5 年,我終於完成我的博士學位了!!!就像又生了一個孩子,只不過有點像懷孕了4.5年才生了出來!!!! (是的,你能想像嗎…)
從打印機中新鮮出爐! (或剛從產房出來?!)我現在是正式的博士蕃薯媽媽!我有兩本一模一樣的副本,因為其中一本將永遠保存在香港大學圖書館(供任何有興趣閱讀它的人使用!),另一本將和我們一起保存。就像一位驕傲的媽媽一樣,我認為我的論文是有史以來最漂亮、最有趣的論文!如果我自認的話哈哈,裡面有彩色圖表和地圖!我厭倦了全職工作和複習,就像在懷孕的最後階段,小蕃薯變得很重,我迫不及待地想他們出來!在論文的最後,總是有一個討論章節,總結論文的其餘部分…所以這是我的討論帖…
1. 搭乘港鐵至利東站
2. 在咖啡店 (coffee shop) 或熟食市場 (cooked food market)享用早餐/午餐
3. 媽媽時間:享受按摩 (massage)或冒險健行(adventurous hiking)
4. 或與孩子一起:帶他們到免費的海景遊戲室(free playroom or library with a seaview)或圖書館或玉桂山腳下的鴨脷洲水塘遊樂場 (Ap Lei Chau Reservoir playground at the bottom of Yuk Kwai Shan)
5. 如同先前所提到的,你可以沿著海濱長廊步行,途中帶孩子去鴨脷洲遊樂場,然後搭電梯到海怡半島地鐵站。
6. 然後在Tree cafe喝咖啡或在海怡半島享用點心或晚餐並觀看日落
或從鴨脷洲搭乘街渡 -> 香港仔
我們對此非常熟悉,因為我們以前住在香港仔,就在珍寶渡輪碼頭對面。 大蕃薯在鴨脷洲上學,所以去學校最快的方式其實是街渡!這確實是一次可愛的旅程,而且只需便宜。下次我會寫一篇關於香港仔的文章!
Hong Kong Stop by Stop: Lei Tung… 2nd last stop on the South Island MTR line! Final part: Planning your day out & walking routes in Ap Lei Chau!
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Seeing as I (mama) have written sooo many posts on Ap Lei Chau (quite unintentionally! Just happens that there’s lots to do there!) This reminds me of a quote:
In this case, the more I wrote, the more I realized how much I hadn’t written yet!
Another coincidentally fitting thing about a final Ap Lei Chau post is that I FINALLY submitted the FINAL version of my PhD thesis last Friday. I am COMPLETELY DONE with my PhD, after 4.5 years!!!! It is like having another baby, except it kinda feels like being pregnant for 4.5 years and I’ve finally given birth!!!! (Yes, can you imagine…)
Here is my baby (or babies.. I bumped into my examiner the day I submitted and it turns out we live in the same block! He asked me if I had identical twins.. not an uncommon question! God forbid! The only identical twins I have are these babies:
Hot off the press! (Or fresh from the labour ward?!) I am now official Dr Dr Sweet potatoes Mama or 博士番薯媽媽! I have 2 identical copies because 1 will live in HKU library forever (for anyone who is interested in reading it!) & the other one will live with us. Like a proud mama, I think my thesis is the prettiest and most interesting thesis ever! If I do say so myself haha, it’s got coloured graphs & maps in it! I was getting tired of working full-time and doing revisions, much like at the final stages of pregnancy when the sweet potatoes get so heavy I just can’t wait for them to come out! At the end of the thesis, there is always a discussion chapter, rounding up the rest of the thesis… So here is my discussion post….
Planning your day out
1. Take the MTR to Lei Tung station
2. Have breakfast/lunch at a coffee shop or at the cooked food market
3. Mama-me time: Go for a massage or adventurous hiking
4. Or with kids: Take them to the free playroom or library with a seaview or Ap Lei Chau Reservoir playground at the bottom of Yuk Kwai Shan
5. As mentioned before, you can walk along the promenade, take the kids to Ap Lei Chau playground on the way and take the lift to South horizons MTR.
6. Then have a coffee at Tree cafe or dim sum or dinner at South Horizons & watch the sunset
Or take a Kai-to (街渡) from Ap Lei Chau -> Aberdeen
About the Kai-to (街渡)
We are very familiar with this, because we used to live in Aberdeen, just opposite the Jumbo ferry pier. R went to school in Ap Lei Chau, so the quickest way to get to school was actually by Kai-to (街渡)! It is really a lovely ride & only a few $. I will write a post on Aberdeen next time!
Here we are taking it on a Sunday:
Other things to do in Southern district:
-Hong Kong Stop by Stop: South Horizons.. Last stop on the South Island MTR line!
-Hong Kong Stop by Stop: Lei Tung (Southern district MTR stop) Part 1- Coffee shop
-Hong Kong Stop by Stop: Lei Tung… 2nd last stop on the South Island MTR line! Part 2: Massage places