更新於 2024/03/17閱讀時間約 3 分鐘

How the world works - 一切由物質(matter)而起

This is the conclusion of "How the world works":"All matter (spacetime) was born at the moment of the Big Bang. Over billions of years, matter was forged into chemical elements that make up everything around us and give it various properties. The periodic table is such a universal language that we can use it to communicate with other beings whose bodies, cultures, and minds are completely different. The elements they find will be exactly the same as we find them. Although the representation may differ, the story of the periodic table must have the same ending throughout the universe."That is why NASA using the Pioneer Plaque below...

At the top left of the plaque is a schematic representation of the hyperfine transition of hydrogen, which is the most abundant element in the universe. The spin-flip transition of a hydrogen atom's electron has a frequency of about 1420.405 MHz, which corresponds to a period of 0.704 ns. Light at this frequency has a vacuum wavelength of 21.106 centimeters (8.309 in) (which is also the distance the light travels in that time period). Below the symbol, the small vertical line—representing the binary digit 1—specifies a unit of length (21 cm) as well as a unit of time (0.7 ns). Both units are used as measurements in the other symbols.

Another plaque that NASA sent to the universe:It is a plaque defining the sounds of the earth, together with instructions on how to read it.

The audio sample in the plague/CD:https://soundcloud.com/.../voyager-golden-record-sampler-1

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