2024-04-08|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 23 分鐘





In morning, I am look rain of when look out window ,I need wear rainshoes because water will in my shoes .

Rise in bed ,I often hear podcast when I brush teeth  and wish face .

Padcast title is “you can talk everyone”,it very amazing ,how to mark step talk with someone talk.

Holiday ,My friend buy a house , she is very hard work to change all thing in room . because all thing so ugly.

Now ,she’s house so pretty ,look like new room.

Chat Gpt 修正版

This morning, as I looked out the window, I noticed it was raining. I realized I needed to wear my rain boots because water would get into my shoes otherwise. After getting out of bed, I usually listen to a podcast while brushing my teeth and washing my face. The podcast I'm currently listening to is titled "You Can Talk to Everyone." It's really amazing, teaching me how to take steps in conversing with others. Well..I would like share about my friend buy house . During the holidays, my friend bought a house. She has been working very hard to renovate the entire place because everything looked quite shabby. Now, her house looks so beautiful, almost like a brand new room.

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