2024-05-18|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 27 分鐘

熱愛自然園藝的長者 An elderly gardening enthusiast- Jane

Her smile and the peaceful demeanor suggest she is someone who finds happiness in her surroundings and the life she has cultivated, much like her garden.

Her smile and the peaceful demeanor suggest she is someone who finds happiness in her surroundings and the life she has cultivated, much like her garden.







Jane stood by her garden gate, a place she had nurtured with love for over three decades. Her hair, now a silvery mane, framed her face softly, each strand a testament to the years she had lived and the wisdom she carried. Her eyes, though slightly dimmed by age, still sparkled with the same fierce independence and curiosity that had defined her youth.

Every morning, Jane would venture into her garden at the break of dawn, her hands skilled and sure as they tended to the vibrant array of flowers and herbs. The garden was more than just a patch of land; it was a tapestry of her life, woven with memories of every season that had passed. Each plant had a story, from the sunflowers that reminded her of summers spent with her grandchildren to the rose bush she had planted in memory of her late husband.

Today, as she paused by the lilac whose buds were just beginning to bloom, Jane reflected on the upcoming garden party she was hosting. It was an annual tradition, one that gathered old friends and new acquaintances in her little sanctuary. This year was special; it marked fifty years since she first moved into the old cottage by the woods, the very place she had turned from a house into a home.

As the sun climbed higher, casting light over her well-worn path, Jane set about preparing for her guests. She trimmed the hedges, set out the old wooden chairs, and decorated the tables with jars of fresh-cut flowers from her garden. With each step, her heart swelled with pride—not just for the beauty she had created, but for the community she had built around this green haven.

When the guests began to arrive, Jane welcomed them with her warm, open smile, each greeting another thread in the rich fabric of her life, each moment a blossom in her ever-flourishing garden.

My Name is Jane.

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