2024-05-28|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 29 分鐘

每日英語 #011: 夏季安全

夏季安全 Summertime Safety

Many people look forward to the return of warmer “temperatures” (how cold or warm it is outside) in the spring and summer months. Whether you're relaxing in the “backyard” (outdoor area behind one’s house), “gardening” (planting and growing flowers, vegetables, and other plants), enjoying the “pool” (small area built for swimming), or exploring “the great outdoors” (nature), here are some ways to help keep you and your family healthy this spring and summer.


In the warmer months, people like to cook food on the “grill” (metal surface placed over fire to cook meat and vegetables).


When grilling, use a meat “thermometer” (device used to measure temperature) to make sure that you cook meat and “poultry” (chicken and other birds people eat) thoroughly.


Also, put cooked meat on a clean “platter” (large plate), rather than back on the one that held the “raw” (uncooked) meat, to avoid “cross-contamination” (the transfer of “bacteria” (harmful substance that causes illness) from one place to another).


“Binge drinking” is when people drink five or more alcoholic drinks on a single occasion for men or four or more drinks on a single occasion for women, generally within about two hours.


Binge drinking is associated with many health problems, including:


  • “Motor vehicle” (cars, trucks, and more) “crashes” (hitting each other or some other thing).
  • “Drowning” (dying from breathing in too much water)
  • “High blood pressure” (too much force in moving blood through the body) and other “cardiovascular” (related to the heart) diseases.

Prevent skin cancer” (disease where “abnormal” (not normal) cells in the body grow in abnormal ways).


Avoid being outdoors during the “midday” (the middle of the day) if the sun is “intense” (very strong), use “sunscreen” (lotion or liquid to protect one’s skin from the effects of the sun), “cover up” (protect the skin) with clothing, wear a “brimmed hat” (hat with a wide edge at the bottom to cover the face), and wear “sunglasses” (dark glasses) that block harmful “rays” (light from the sun).



  • 1. Grill [ɡrɪl] - 烤架,金屬表面放在火上用來燒烤食物的器具。
  • 2. Thermometer [θərˈmɑːmɪtər] - 溫度計,用於測量溫度的設備。
  • 3. Poultry [ˈpoʊltri] - 家禽,指人們食用的鳥類。
  • 4. Cross-contamination [krɔːsˌkɑːntæməˈneɪʃən] - 交叉污染,指細菌從一個地方轉移到另一個地方。
  • 5. Binge drinking [bɪndʒ drɪŋkɪŋ] - 暴飲,指在短時間內大量飲酒的行為。
  • 6. Motor vehicle [ˈmoʊtər ˈviːɪkəl] - 機動車輛,包括汽車、卡車等。
  • 7. Crashes [kræʃɪz] - 事故,指車輛相撞或與其他物體碰撞的事件。
  • 8. Drowning [ˈdraʊnɪŋ] - 溺水,指因吸入過多水而死亡的情況。
  • 9. High blood pressure [haɪ blʌd ˈprɛʃər] - 高血壓,指在血液通過身體時的過高壓力。
  • 10. Cardiovascular [ˌkɑrdioʊˈvæskjələr] - 心血管的,與心臟和血管有關的。
  • 11. Prevent [prɪˈvɛnt] - 預防,防止某事發生。
  • 12. Skin cancer [skɪn ˈkænsər] - 皮膚癌,一種在皮膚細胞中異常生長的疾病。
  • 13. Abnormal [æbˈnɔːrməl] - 異常的,不正常的。
  • 14. Midday [ˈmɪddeɪ] - 正午,一天中的中午時間。
  • 15. Intense [ɪnˈtɛns] - 強烈的,指程度很高或非常強的情況。
  • 16. Sunscreen [ˈsʌnskriːn] - 防曬霜,用於保護皮膚免受太陽紫外線的乳液或液體。
  • 17. Cover up [ˈkʌvər ʌp] - 遮蔽,保護皮膚不受外界影響。
  • 18. Brimmed hat [brɪmd hæt] - 遮陽帽,帽子底部有寬邊用於遮蔽臉部的帽子。
  • 19. Sunglasses [ˈsʌnˌɡlæsɪz] - 太陽眼鏡,用於遮蔽眼睛免受太陽光線傷害的深色眼鏡。
  • 20. Rays [reɪz] - 光線,指太陽的光線或輻射。
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