2024-06-05|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 25 分鐘



Q: Do you think in your country, there are enough rules for social media companies aimed at protecting children from harmful content online?


1. 表達明確立場:

I believe that social media companies have a responsibility to protect children from harmful content online, and that current regulations in my country are not sufficient to achieve this goal.

2. 提供具體論點:

For example, there are still too many loopholes in existing laws that allow harmful content, such as cyberbullying and violent threats, to slip through the cracks.

3. 提出解決方案:

I think that the government should introduce stricter regulations for social media companies, such as requiring them to implement more effective content filters and age verification systems.

4. 表達個人感受:

As a parent, I am concerned about the potential dangers of social media for children, and I believe that we need to do more to protect them.

5. 使用流利自然的英語


1. 立場不明確:

Social media companies should take some responsibility to protect children from harmful content online, but I'm not sure if the government needs to get involved.

2. 論點不夠具體:

There are some problems with social media, but I don't think they're serious enough to warrant government regulation.

3. 缺乏解決方案:

I guess social media companies could do more to protect children, but I'm not sure what that would look like.

  1. 著重事實而缺少個人感受之描述

5. 英語表達不夠流利自然

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