2024-06-07|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 30 分鐘

一問二答雅思口說Part 2範例:An Exciting Activity


    Describe an exciting activity that you experienced with someone else. You should say:
    what the activity was
    who you were with
    why you went for the activity
    and explain why the activity was exciting.


    Last summer, an opportunity to dine out with a childhood friend led to one of the most exciting activities I've ever experienced. My friend Samantha and I have known each other since kindergarten, but we hadn't seen each other in years until she visited my city.
    Over dinner, we reminisced about our mischievous adventures growing up and realized how much we missed that adrenaline rush. Feeling spontaneous, we decided to go skydiving the next day - something we had both dreamed of but never mustered the courage to do alone.
    The next morning, filled with nervous energy, we found ourselves boarding a small plane that would take us soaring into the sky. As the engines roared, there was no turning back. Then came the pivotal moment of leaping into the vast open air in a tandem skydive, freefalling at terminal velocity before our parachutes deployed.
    Those few minutes were utterly breathtaking and terrifying, but exhilarating all the same. Skydiving with my lifelong friend made the experience even more special and memorable. We conquered our fears together and rekindled that sense of carefree adventure from our childhood. It was unquestionably one of the most exciting activities of my life.






    Last winter, my friends and I embarked on a thrilling adventure by participating in a winter sports competition. We were a diverse group, ranging from seasoned athletes to beginners. The activity was chosen to embrace the winter season and challenge ourselves physically.
    The excitement came from the variety of winter sports we could try, including skiing, snowboarding, and ice skating. Each of us had a different skill level, but the spirit of friendly competition and camaraderie prevailed. The crisp winter air and the snowy landscape added to the overall exhilarating atmosphere.
    I was with a group of friends who shared a passion for outdoor activities. We decided to engage in this adventure to break away from routine and experience the thrill of winter sports together. The sense of accomplishment after conquering a challenging slope or mastering a new skill made the entire day memorable.
    The day ended with a cozy gathering around a bonfire, sharing stories and laughter. The winter sports competition not only provided an adrenaline rush but also strengthened our bonds as friends. It was an unforgettable experience that showcased the beauty of winter and the joy of embracing new challenges with a supportive group of friends.





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