2024-07-07|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 28 分鐘

每日英語 #051: Healthiest Cities 健康城市

Healthiest Cities 健康城市

Americans love “to rank” (to put in order) almost everything.


Nearly every day the newspaper has a list of the best or worst of one thing or another.


One interesting ranking from 2009 is from the American College of Sports Medicine, which has an American Fitness Index.


“Fitness” refers to how physically healthy you are, usually related to how much you do “physical exercise,” such as run, jog, and play sports.


An “index” is a measurement of something.


The American Fitness Index looks at several “factors” (things) to determine which U.S. city is the “healthiest.”


These include: 這些因素包括:

  • Availability of parks, walking and bike “trails” (paths; places where you can walk and ride a bike), and “public transportation” (for example, busses, subways);
  • Percentage of people who exercise regularly, “maintain a healthy weight” (are not too fat or too thin), and eat the recommended amounts of vegetables and fruits each day;
  • Percentage of people who “have access to” (are able to use regularly) health care and have health insurance;
  • Percentage of people who do not smoke.

So which cities are healthiest?


Number one is our nation’s capital, Washington D.C.


Washington D.C. has a lot of places to walk and ride bikes, has an excellent public transportation system, and has many people who work for the “federal” (national) government and therefore have health insurance.


Here is a list of some of the other top cities:


  • Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota 明尼蘇達州的雙子城:明尼阿波利斯和聖保羅
  • Denver, Colorado 科羅拉多州的丹佛
  • Boston, Massachusetts 麻薩諸塞州的波士頓
  • San Francisco, California 加利福尼亞州的舊金山
  • Seattle, Washington 華盛頓州的西雅圖
  • Portland, Oregon 俄勒岡州的波特蘭
  • San Diego, California
  • 加利福尼亞州的聖地亞哥
  • Austin, Texas 德克薩斯州的奧斯汀
  • Virginia Beach, Virginia
  • 維吉尼亞州的維吉尼亞海灘
  • Hartford, Connecticut 康涅狄格州的哈特福德
  • Sacramento, California 加利福尼亞州的薩克拉門托
  • San Jose, California 加利福尼亞州的聖荷西


  • rank /ræŋk/ 排名
  • fitness /ˈfɪtnəs/ 健康
  • index /ˈɪndɛks/ 指數
  • factor /ˈfæktər/ 因素
  • trail /treɪl/ 小道
  • public transportation /ˈpʌblɪk ˌtrænspərˈteɪʃən/ 公共交通
  • maintain /meɪnˈteɪn/ 維持
  • access /ˈæksɛs/ 獲得
  • federal /ˈfɛdərəl/ 聯邦的
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