2024-07-21|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 31 分鐘

廣度與深度:觀光景點IELTS Speaking Part 2考題,順道講出早就準備周全的美食


Describe a tourist attraction in your country that you would recommend. You should say:
what the tourist attraction is
where in your country this tourist attraction is
what visitors can see and do at this tourist attraction
and explain why you would recommend this tourist attraction.





From my childhood home near Taipei 101, I've witnessed this iconic skyscraper become a must-visit attraction, providing visitors with stunning city views and a taste of Taiwan's modern lifestyle and cuisine.
  • 不但揭露哪一個觀光景點,還透露了景點的演變(成為必遊景點)。
  • 使用"縮影"這個詞,暗示了101大樓內包含了多方面的台灣特色。
  • 最後的現代生活方式和美食文化,為後續回答內容埋下伏筆。
  • 沒有艱深單字也可以有個漂亮的開場。



  • 臭豆腐、豬血湯:Two iconic Taiwanese street foods that often surprise foreign visitors are stinky tofu, a pungent fermented delicacy with a crispy exterior and soft interior, and pig's blood soup, a savory broth featuring tender cubes of congealed pork blood. 兩種常常讓外國遊客驚訝的標誌性台灣街頭小吃是臭豆腐——一種具有濃烈發酵味、外酥內軟的美味,以及豬血湯——一種湯頭鮮美、內有軟嫩豬血塊的湯品。
  • 芋頭蛋糕:A beloved Taiwanese dessert that showcases the island's love for taro is the taro cake, a moist and fragrant pastry that balances the earthy sweetness of taro with the light texture of sponge cake, often adorned with a vibrant purple taro cream topping. 芋頭蛋糕是一種深受喜愛的台灣甜點,展現了這個島嶼對芋頭的鍾愛,這種濕潤香醇的糕點平衡了芋頭的泥土般甜味與海綿蛋糕的輕盈口感,常常搭配鮮豔紫色的芋頭奶油裝飾。
  • 炸肉圓:A beloved Taiwanese street snack, fried meatballs (zhá ròuyuán) feature a chewy, translucent outer layer made from sweet potato starch encasing a savory filling of minced pork and mushrooms, typically served with a sweet and tangy sauce that perfectly complements its crispy exterior. 炸肉圓是深受喜愛的台灣街頭小吃,它以地瓜粉製成的有嚼勁、半透明的外皮包裹著鮮香的豬肉末和香菇餡料,通常佐以甜中帶酸的醬汁,與酥脆的外表完美搭配。
  • 小籠包:Xiao Long Bao, a culinary gem originating from Shanghai but perfected in Taiwan, are delicate steamed dumplings with a thin, translucent skin that encases a flavorful pork filling and a rich, savory broth, creating a delightful burst of flavors when eaten in one bite. 小籠包是源自上海但在台灣臻至完美的美食瑰寶,這種精緻的蒸餃以薄透的皮包裹著鮮美的豬肉餡和濃郁的湯汁,一口咬下時會迸發出令人愉悅的豐富滋味。
  • 擔仔麵:Danzai noodles, an iconic dish from Tainan, Taiwan, features thin, springy noodles served in a flavorful shrimp-based broth, topped with minced pork, a single shrimp, and often garnished with cilantro, showcasing a perfect balance of textures and flavors that reflect the rich culinary heritage of southern Taiwan. 擔仔麵是台灣台南的標誌性美食,它以彈牙的細麵條搭配鮮美的蝦子湯頭,上面鋪著絞肉和一隻蝦子,常常還會點綴香菜,展現了口感和味道的完美平衡,反映了台灣南部豐富的飲食文化傳統。
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