2024-07-17|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 29 分鐘

【以舉證實例鞏固立場】衝向8分吧!IELTS Writing Task 2真功夫



Many sports events are sponsored by alcohol brands, which helps these companies increase their visibility and sales. Fans often see alcohol advertisements during games, which can make them more likely to remember and buy these products. This shows that sponsoring sports can be a good way for alcohol companies to promote their brands.

  • 使用模糊描述"more likely", "can be a good way"
  • 較為模糊的結果"increase visibility and sales"
  • 雖然邏輯清晰,但缺乏有力的證據支持

A sports marketing study found that alcohol sponsorships in major international football tournaments increased brand recognition by 35% among viewers. Additionally, one leading beer brand's sponsorship of a top European football competition led to a 15% rise in its global sales, highlighting the substantial marketing impact of sports sponsorships for beverage companies.
一項運動行銷研究發現,在大型國際足球賽事中贊助酒精飲料可以使觀眾的品牌認知度提高 35%。此外,某領先啤酒品牌贊助歐洲頂級足球賽事,導致其全球銷售額成長 15%,凸顯了體育贊助對飲料公司的巨大行銷影響。

  • 使用了精確的百分比"35%", "15%"
  • 明確指出了影響"brand recall", "global sales"
  • 因為有資料和特定案例支持,顯得更有說服力


Facebook's Crisis Response feature helped over 80% of affected users connect with friends and family during the 2017 Mexico earthquake, demonstrating the crucial role of social media in times of emergency.
  • 此例用在舉證支持社交媒體的好處多過壞處。

A study by Oxford University showed that children who played video games for up to one hour a day scored 9% higher on thinking tests and were nearly twice as likely to be good at solving problems compared to those who didn't play, showing that some gaming can help children's mental skills.
  • 此利用在舉證支持打電玩對兒童會有正面影響。

A large-scale study by a leading psychological research institute found that companies implementing work-life balance policies experienced a 21% increase in productivity and a 33% reduction in employee turnover. Moreover, 78% of employees in these companies reported higher job satisfaction, clearly showing that employer involvement in work-life balance significantly benefits both the organization and its workforce.


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