2024-07-22|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 33 分鐘

自學雅思一開口就有完美口說:10題Part 1背後的【答題魔法】完全揭密


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1. Do you prefer instant messaging or face-to-face communication for work? Why?

  • 不重複prefer、不使用 I 當第一句話的主詞

I use both because they offer unique advantages for workplace collaboration. The former facilitates quick and efficient exchange of information while the latter fosters stronger interpersonal connections.

2. Do you find instant messaging ever causes you any problems?

Digital communication tools occasionally present challenges in my daily life. For instance, the constant stream of notifications can be quite distracting, making it difficult to focus on important tasks or enjoy uninterrupted personal time.

  • 提供了一個具體的例子(通知干擾注意力),使回答更加生動和有說服力。
  • 不僅回答了"是否"的問題,還解釋了"如何"和"為什麼",顯示了思考的深度。
  • 回答有清晰的邏輯結構:先給出總體觀點,然後提供具體例子。

3. How often do you visit zoos or amusement parks?

Unfortunately, I'm not a frequent visitor to recreational facilities like animal sanctuaries or theme parks. However, I do spend time with relatives or friends at such places about once or twice a year, usually during holidays.

  • 用Unfortunately開頭表達了一種輕微的遺憾,使回答更有感情色彩。
  • 巧妙地將頻率信息融入第二句,同時提到了與親朋好友一起去的情況,這增加了回答的豐富度。

4. Do you prefer to drive to work or use public transportation?

Neither. Daily commuting has tired me out. If possible, I'd rather work remotely.

  • 簡潔有力。展示考生能靈活思考,不局限於題目給出的選項,會給考官留下深刻印象。

My daily commute typically involves hopping on a bus or subway rather than sitting behind the wheel. This choice not only helps reduce my carbon footprint but also allows me to utilize travel time for catching up on emails.

  • 以上給不放心只說短短兩句的考生參考。我認為兩種回答分數會相同。

5. Do you think you always make good use of your free time?

I strive to balance productivity and relaxation during my leisure hours. However, I sometimes find myself scrolling mindlessly through social media or binge-watching TV shows, which doesn't feel like the most valuable use of my time off.

6. Do you think you always make good use of your free time?

My weekends are mostly taken up with meaningless, unproductive activities apart from catching up on some sleep. If only I were not a time-poor chain restaurant owner.

  • 簡潔有力,同時富有創意和個人特色。第一句巧妙地避開了題目中的free time和make good use,而是具體提到weekends,並描述了這段時間的使用情況。
  • meaningless, unproductive activities直接回應了問題中的good use,表明時間利用並不理想;apart from catching up on some sleep增加一個例外,使回答更加豐富和真實。

7. How do you think your student life?

My time at the leading university saw more opportunities for social and academic growth than challenges. Gaining permission for an exchange student program is particularly one of the highlights.

  • 堅持換掉用 I 當主詞的開場句。整體結構緊湊,資訊豐富。
  • 提到social and academic growth全面概括了學生生活的主要面向。
  • 第二句提供了一個具體的亮點例子(交換學生計畫),

8. Do you pay attention to current events in your country?

Staying informed about national affairs is one of the daily habits of mine. This is achieved by watching live streaming from time to time as many news stories are very entertaining and informative.

  • 避免直接重複題目用詞,展示了同義詞替換能力。
  • 語法範圍與準確性,句子結構多樣,正確使用了現在進行時態和被動語態。
  • 兩個句子之間邏輯連貫,第二句解釋了第一句提到的習慣。使用as來引導原因的副詞子句,展示了良好的連接能力。
  • 從陳述習慣到解釋實現方式,再到提供理由,回答結構完整。
  • 將嚴肅話題(新聞)與輕鬆角度(娛樂)結合,顯示了語言的靈活運用。

對照一般考生的回應:Yes, I pay a lot of attention to domestic and global events by reading news on my phone. It's important to know what's happening, so I made it a daily morning routine.

9. What is one luxury item you really want to have?

A high-end electric vehicle has been on my wishlist for quite some time now. Not only would it significantly reduce my carbon footprint, but it would also provide a smooth and quiet driving experience, making my daily commute more enjoyable.

  • 第二句解釋了想要這個物品的原因,展示了邏輯連貫性,同時提供了環保和個人體驗兩個方面的理由。

10. What was the best thing about your childhood?

The carefree summers spent at my grandparents' countryside home stand out as the highlight of my early years. Those months were filled with endless adventures in nature, heartwarming family gatherings, and the kind of pure, unbridled joy that seems unique to youth.

  • 第二句進一步描述了這段經歷的細節,展示了邏輯連貫性,同時通過具體的描述使回答更加生動。

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