2435 blog 這個/那個 → 形容詞子句與五大句型關係(三)

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Both governments held the other responsible for the diplomatic crisis, which erupted following a disputed election in the neighboring country.



  • 英文用which帶出一個形容詞子句來形容危機, 中文的而這場危機


主要子句:Both(s) governments held(vi) the other responsible(sc) for the diplomatic crisis

→很常見的s+vi+sc句型, 簡單說就是”這是錢”句型, This(s) is(vi) money(sc)


形容詞子句which (s) erupted(vi) following(vt) a disputed election(o) in the neighboring country.

→一個主詞+2個動詞句型, 第二個動詞用ing表達, 通常表示主動作同時或期間持續進行

可以說是”錢來了” money(s) comes(vi) 跟”我要錢” I(s) want(vt) money(o)句型



1.          He sits reading a book.

2.          She walked talking on the phone.

3.          I stood watching the sunset.

4.          They drive listening to music.

5.          The dog lies sleeping on the floor.




For the diplomatic crisis



In the neighboring country


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上週ChatGPT舉出了五個照樣照句(真的太強了), 今天就針對ChatGPT的例句做分析: 1.  Both parties accused each other of instigating the conflict, which broke out between the rival fac
舉上週的例句來分析與五大句型的關係   Each side blamed the other for the collision, which occurred between a Chinese vessel and a Philippine supply ship near the Spra
1.          Each side blamed the other for the collision, which occurred between a Chinese vessel and a Philippine supply ship near the Spratly Island
之前一直在講的形容詞子句, 就是白話的這個/那個.  變形後可以用名詞 + ing方式, 今天要講的是, ing + 名詞的變形, 俗稱的現在分詞.   1.          Two-thirds of the electricity in China is generated by burn
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舉上週的例句來分析與五大句型的關係   Each side blamed the other for the collision, which occurred between a Chinese vessel and a Philippine supply ship near the Spra
1.          Each side blamed the other for the collision, which occurred between a Chinese vessel and a Philippine supply ship near the Spratly Island
舉上週的例句來分析與五大句型的關係   Each side blamed the other for the collision, which occurred between a Chinese vessel and a Philippine supply ship near the Spra
1.          Each side blamed the other for the collision, which occurred between a Chinese vessel and a Philippine supply ship near the Spratly Island