更新於 2024/11/26閱讀時間約 7 分鐘

SQL 解鎖 - ABC 分析 in SQL

ABC 分析

ABC分析(ABC Analysis)是一種基於80/20的分類原則,常用於庫存管理、供應鏈分析和資源分配中。它將產品或項目按其相對重要性分為A、B 和 C三個類別。其目的是協助企業專注於最重要的項目,以提高效率和降低成本。

  • A類 佔總價值的大部分(約70–80%),但數量比例較少(約20%)。這類項目對業務運營至關重要,需高度關注,例如高價值商品或核心供應商。
  • -B類 佔總價值的次要部分(約15–25%),數量比例適中(約30%)。此類項目的重要性居中,不需要像 A 類那樣頻繁監控,但也不能忽視,定期檢查並優化庫存。
  • C類 佔總價值的小部分(約5%),但數量比例最大(約50%)。此類項目價值較低,對整體運營的影響小。簡化管理流程,減少精力投入。




A.[Product ID]
, A.Demand Demand_Location_1
, B.Demand Demand_Location_2
, C.Demand Demand_Location_3
, D.Demand Demand_Location_4
, E.Demand Demand_Location_5
FROM (Select * from [Simulation].[001_Product_Loc_Demand]

Where [Location ID] = 1 ) A
Inner join (Select * from [Simulation].[001_Product_Loc_Demand]
Where [Location ID] = 2 ) B
On A.[Product ID] = B.[Product ID]
Inner join (Select * from [Simulation].[001_Product_Loc_Demand] Where [Location ID] = 3 ) C
On A.[Product ID] = C.[Product ID]
Inner join (Select * from [Simulation].[001_Product_Loc_Demand] Where [Location ID] = 4 ) D
On A.[Product ID] = D.[Product ID]
Inner join (Select * from [Simulation].[001_Product_Loc_Demand] Where [Location ID] = 5 ) E
On A.[Product ID] = E.[Product ID];


1. 匯總需求至產品層級:

Create View [Simulation].[View_001_Aggregate_Demandl] 
As Select [Product ID], Sum(Demand) Aggregate_Demand
from [Simulation].[001_Product_Loc_Demand] Group by [Product ID]

2. 按需求量降序排列產品

Create View [Simulation].[View_002_Ranking] As 
SELECT [Product ID]
, Aggregate_Demand, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Aggregate_Demand DESC) AS [Rank]
FROM [Simulation].[View_001_Aggregate_Demand]

3. 計算占總需求的百分比

Create View [Simulation].[View_003_%_Of_Total] As 
[Product ID],
Sum([Aggregate_Demand]) OVER () Total_Demand,
Cast(Cast([Aggregate_Demand] as numeric(9,2))/ cast(Sum([Aggregate_Demand]) OVER () as numeric(9,2)) as numeric(9,2)) As [%_Of_Total]
from [Simulation].[View_002_Ranking]

4. 計算累計總量和累計總量百分比

Create View [Simulation].[View_004_Running_Total] As 
[Product ID], [Aggregate_Demand], [Rank], Total_Demand, [%_Of_Total], Sum([Aggregate_Demand]) OVER (ORDER BY [Aggregate_Demand] DESC Rows BETWEEN unbounded preceding AND CURRENT row) [Running_Total],
CAST(Sum([Aggregate_Demand]) OVER (ORDER BY [Aggregate_Demand] DESC Rows BETWEEN unbounded preceding AND CURRENT row) AS numeric(9,2))/ CAST(Total_Demand AS numeric(9,2)) [Running_Total_%]
from [Simulation].[View_003_%_Of_Total]

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