更新於 2024/12/12閱讀時間約 8 分鐘

學測倒數:挑戰「4500 單」- 跟著瑞昇讀懂 BBC News (俄烏戰爭-川澤立場)

1 "Some 43,000 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed since Russia's full-scale invasion began, Volodymyr Zelensky has said in a rare admission of the extent of the nation's casualties."


瑞昇指路:用到的學測 4500 單 (L: level)

soldier (CN) 士兵 (L3)

  • a person who serves in an army

invasion (CN) 入侵 (L4)

  • an instance of invading a country or region with armed forces

admission (CN) 承認 (L4)

  • a statement acknowledging the truth

extent (UN) 程度 (L4)

  • the size or scale of something

casualty (CN) 傷亡 (L6)

  • a person killed or injured in a war or accident

2 "He also claimed that 198,000 Russian soldiers had been killed and a further 550,000 wounded."


瑞昇指路:用到的學測 4500 單 (L: level)

claim (vt) 聲稱 (L3)

  • to state that something is true, typically without proof

soldier (CN) 士兵 (L3)

  • a person who serves in an army

wound (vt) 使受傷 (L4)

  • to inflict an injury on someone

3 "The UK's defence ministry says Russia suffered 45,680 casualties in November alone - more than during any month since its full-scale invasion began in February 2022."


瑞昇指路:用到的學測 4500 單 (L: level)

defence (CN) 國防 (L3)

  • the action of defending from attack

ministry (CN) 部門 (L4)

  • a government department

casualty (CN) 傷亡 (L6)

  • a person killed or injured in a war or accident

invasion (CN) 入侵 (L4)

  • an instance of invading a country or region with armed forces

4 "The incoming president (US President-elect Donald Trump), who has long made clear he wants to bring an end to the war, said too many lives had been 'needlessly wasted'."

即將上任的 (美國) 總統 (川普) 明確表示,他希望結束這場戰爭,並稱太多生命已被「不必要地浪費」。

瑞昇指路:用到的學測 4500 單 (L: level)

president (CN) 總統 (L3)

  • the elected head of a republic

end (vt) 結束 (L3)

  • to bring something to a conclusion

waste (vt) 浪費 (L3)

  • to use carelessly or without purpose

5 "In his post, Zelensky stressed that any peace deal had to be backed by effective international guarantees for his country's security."


瑞昇指路:用到的學測 4500 單 (L: level)

stress (vt) 強調 (L3)

  • to give emphasis to something

peace (UN) 和平 (L3)

  • freedom from disturbance or conflict

deal (CN) 協議 (L4)

  • an agreement between parties

guarantee (CN) 保證 (L4)

  • a formal assurance of something


43,000 troops killed in war with Russia, Zelensky says


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