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新加坡國父 李光耀:沒人怕我 我就沒價值了

新加坡建國總理李光耀於 2015/3/23 凌晨在新加坡中央醫院安詳辭世,享壽91歲。他畢生說過不少膾炙人口的名言,以下整理 :


"Between being loved and being feared, I have always believed Machiavelli was right. If no one is afraid of me, I'm worthless."


"If you are a troublemaker… my job is to politically destroy you… Everyone knows I have a hatchet in my bag, a very sharp hatchet. You challenge me, I'll take out the hatchet, and we'll meet in a cul-de-sac."


"You ask people, what do they want? The right to write editorials like you? They want houses, medicine, jobs, and schools."


"Even if I am lying on my deathbed, if you are about to put me into the grave and I think something is going wrong, I will get up."


"I wouldn't say I'm an atheist. I don't deny nor accept that there is a God. So I wouldn't mock those who worship God, but I don't need to believe in God, nor do I need to deny the possibility of a God."


"We have to lock people up without trial, whether they are communists, language chauvinists, or religious extremists. Without doing so, the country will be in chaos."


"If you visit China often, you'll know you're wrong. Go and see anytime; the more successful they are, the less they care about you, and their attitude towards you will only get more arrogant."


"If you think you can hurt me more than I can hurt you, try me. There's no other way to govern a Chinese society."

資料參考 : 《李光耀:新加坡賴以生存的硬道理》、Wiki

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