I work, therefore I am.
Life and career are both marathons. Success often comes from long-term effort, not something achieved in a year or two. Being successful today doesn't guarantee success forever.
Lifelong learning requires three key elements: clear goals, discipline, and planning.
I have passion, a passion akin to wishing for something to reach its utmost potential.
I believe everyone creates their own life. Therefore, we must have ambition and never lose hope!
The swift do not always win the race, nor the strong the battle; the wise do not always have food, nor the intelligent wealth, nor the skillful favor. Time and chance happen to them all.
7.誠信正直(Integrity)、承諾(Commitment)、創新(Innovation)、及客戶信任關係(Customer Trust),簡稱「ICIC」。而這四大核心價值首重誠信正直,ICIC經營理念永遠不變。
Integrity, Commitment, Innovation, and Customer Trust—abbreviated as "ICIC." Among these four core values, integrity is paramount. The ICIC business philosophy remains unchanging.
資料參考 : Forbes