1 Google 和三星正在進入穿戴式頭戴設備競賽。
"Google and Samsung are stepping into the wearable headset race."
用到的學測 4500 單 (L: level)
- step (vi) 跨入 (L3)
to move or make progress in a particular direction- wearable (adj) 可穿戴的 (L6)
designed to be worn on the body- race (CN) 比賽 (L3)
a competition between people, animals, or vehicles
2 三星打造的頭戴設備將由全新的 Android 作業系統驅動,進軍由 Meta 主導的市場。
"The Samsung-built headset will be powered by a new Android operating system, pushing into a market that has been largely dominated by Meta."
用到的學測 4500 單 (L: level)
- dominate (vt) 主導 (L4)
to have control over a place or people
- market (CN) 市場 (L3)
a particular area of commercial activity
- push (vt) 推進 (L3)
to move forward or make progress
3 Android for XR 是虛擬實境和擴增實境等各種技術的統稱,由 Google、三星和高通合作打造。
"Android for XR — an umbrella term for various types of virtual and augmented reality — was built in collaboration by Google, Samsung and Qualcomm."
用到的學測 4500 單 (L: level)
- term (CN) 術語 (L4)
a word or phrase used in a specific context
2. virtual (adj) 虛擬的 (L3)
existing only in a digital form
3. collaboration (UN) 合作 (L5)
the act of working with others to create or achieve something
4 Vision Pro 的銷售未如 Apple 所期望,為 Google 和三星提供了進入市場的機會。
"The Vision Pro has not taken off as much as Apple had hoped, leaving the door ajar for Google and Samsung to step in."
用到的學測 4500 單 (L: level)
- take off (phr v) 開始成功 (L3)
to become popular or successful quickly
2. ajar (adj) 微開的 (L5)
slightly open
3. hope (vt) 希望 (L3)
to want something to happen or be true
5 新的 Android 系統將整合 Gemini,為頭戴設備帶來 AI 語音助理等功能,並提供存取所有 Android 應用程式的能力。
"The new Android system will integrate Gemini, bringing features like an AI voice assistant and access to all Android apps to the headset."
用到的學測 4500 單 (L: level)
- integrate (vt) 整合 (L4)
to combine parts into a whole
- feature (CN) 特點 (L3)
an important part or aspect of something
- access (UN) 存取 (L3)
the ability to enter or use something
Google and Samsung are taking on Apple and Meta with their own mixed-reality headset - CNN Business
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