當你在背誦divert, escort,on board, crew,endure,stick,scare七個TOEIC(多益)必考詞彙時,是否有背完就忘掉的煩惱?
閱讀以下美國security issue(飛安)時事新聞標題,及前兩段英文新聞內容,你就能掌握divert (v. 轉向;改道)、 escort (v.護送;陪同)、endure (v. 忍受;承受)及stick (v. 黏住;堅持;受困)等七個多益(TOEIC)藍色證照(730-855分)詞彙。
American Airlines flight from JFK diverts, escorted to Rome by fighters after bomb threat on board: report (美國航空從甘迺迪機場起飛的航班因機上炸彈威脅改道,在戰鬥機護航下飛往羅馬:報導)
作者By Haley Brown and Anthony Blair
發稿時間Published Feb. 23, 2025
更新時間Updated Feb. 23, 2025, 3:55 p.m. ET
An American Airlines flight from JFK airport to Delhi was forced to divert to Rome — and dramatically landed Sunday under fighter escort — after a bomb threat on board. (一架美國航空從甘迺迪國際機場飛往德里的航班因機上炸彈威脅被迫改道至羅馬,並在戰鬥機護航下於週日驚險降落。)
The 199 passengers and 15 crew members on American Airlines Flight 292 endured nearly 15 hours stuck on the plane as a result of the scare. (美國航空292號航班上的199名乘客和15名機組人員因這場驚魂事件被困機上近15個小時。)
1. divert (v.) 轉向;改道
Due to severe weather conditions, the pilot had to divert the flight to a nearby airport.
2. escort (v.) 護送;陪同 / escort (n.) 護衛;護送者
The military jets were sent to escort the commercial plane safely to the airport.
The foreign diplomat traveled with a security escort to ensure his safety.
3. on board 在(交通工具)上;登機
All on-board passengers were asked to remain seated during the turbulence.
4. crew (n.) 機組人員;工作人員
The crew handled the emergency situation professionally, ensuring the safety of all passengers.
5. endure (v.) 忍受;承受
The stranded travelers had to endure long hours without food or water.
6. stick (v.) 黏住;堅持;受困
The passengers were stuck on the plane for hours due to a technical issue.
7. scare (n.) 恐慌;驚嚇
The bomb scare led to an emergency evacuation of the terminal.