風吹過臉上的溫柔 漫天花瓣在空中游 指尖觸碰一點懵懂 櫻花樹下藏著夢 粉色影子在耳邊低語 春天的秘密它慢慢延續 沉醉在妳的眼神裡 像就此滯留的四季 櫻花雨落的美麗 記憶裡留下妳的氣息 短暫也成永恆的意義 在花開花謝之際 彼岸風景它是否一樣 花瓣飄流像時間亂撞 每一次邂逅 每種想像 都讓人心動讓人惆悵 停在雲端捕捉片刻 靜靜傾聽自然的顫抖 我們只是在找卷起愁的風 問一句 櫻花何時懂
這首詩我也有做成歌曲,喜歡聽歌的朋友可以點擊這個YouTube 連結:
(The wind gently caresses my face, Petals flutter in the air. Fingertips touch a bit of innocence, Dreams hidden under the cherry tree. Pink shadows whisper in my ear, Spring's secret slowly continues. Lost in your gaze, As if the seasons stay forever. The beauty of cherry blossom rain, Leaves your scent in my memory. Though brief, it becomes eternal, In the moments of blooming and fading. Is the scenery on the other side the same? Petals drifting like time's collision. Every encounter, every imagination, Moves the heart, brings melancholy. Stopping among the clouds to capture a moment, Quietly listening to nature's tremor. We are just looking for the wind that stirs up sorrow, Asking when the cherry blossoms will understand.)