【作者】Eileen Caddy
When you choose to do My will and walk in My ways, you have to do it whole heartedly, no matter what it may mean. You have to take the rough with the smooth when learning that vital lesson of instant obedience to My will. Only when you give all will you receive all. In this spiritual life you cannot pick out all the plums and leave the cake; it is all or nothing. Many souls like to choose the parts in this life that appeal to them and to ignore those parts that do not comply with their baser desires. Doing so is not living a spiritual life; it is picking and choosing what you want to do, not what I require of you. You cannot expect things to work out for you if that is your attitude. I need your total surrender and dedication before I can work wonders and miracles in and through you. Now that you know, why not do something about it?