What is truly disheartening is not the reluctance of the Taiwanese people to acknowledge the truth, as Professor Julian Kuo suggested, that there are "no conditions " for Taiwan's independence. It is disheartening that whenever Taiwanese people need to discuss our future or our status seriously, no clear answer seems to emerge.
Although Julian Kuo holds a Ph.D. in political science from Yale University, his statement about increasingly leaning towards the position of peaceful reunification with China, due to the perceived absence of conditions for Taiwan's independence, seems too hasty.Firstly, independence is a lengthy journey, sometimes cost people hundreds of years to achieve, and Ireland is the case. The "absence of current conditions " does not imply a perpetual lack of opportunities in the future.
Secondly, while independence and reunification with China represent opposite ends of the spectrum, countless possibilities lie in between. What is more, there might be a third or even more possibilities, such as the dissolution of "one China " into "plural republics, " say five to ten. This could transform China into more of a conceptual idea than a state under international law.
The future is just something beyond people’s prediction.
郭正亮自曝立場偏「和平統一」!嘆台灣人無法面對現實:悲哀 中時 20231207
美國《外交事務》(Foreign Affairs)日前刊登3位美國學者聯名文章,其中呼籲民進黨總統參選人賴清德,應重新審視「凍結台獨黨綱」,引發討論,前立委郭正亮透露自己的立場是「越來越傾向和平統一」,不認為有台灣有獨立的條件。郭也直言,美國學者也公開建言「台灣不能排除和平統一的可能性」,但台灣人卻無法面對現實處境,「這個就是台灣的悲哀」