"Social Membrane"

更新於 2024/11/28閱讀時間約 3 分鐘
This is the term I coined.
First I would like to respond to the question in our last class meeting, "what is a community?"
I try to come up with a definition, and that is, a group of people with a set of shared values/rules that include and exclude. I notice how it corresponds to Labov's (1972) words that "any marked agreement in the use of language elements,... in a set of shared norms." (120-1)
I start with a disregard to geographic factor because of my familiarity with virtual community, and my belief that geographical influences, though in most cases does plays a crucial role, with the advent of rapid developments in communication technology, are more or less eclipsed. And I would say more, not less.
Then I go back to the idea of inclusive-/exclusiveness. What I think of as a mechanism that works like a membrane that controls all the in and out of an organism unit is in effect comprised of several factors such as speakers' attitudes and community members' identity, etc. Even if I seem to be qualified as a speech community in a strict sense of linguistic mutual intelligibility, whether or not my values, cultural ones in particular, are commensurate with insiders' determine the inclusion or exclusion of me.
Labov, W. 1972. Language in the Inner City: Studies in the Black English Vernacular. University of Pennsylvania Press.
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從Watters (2010)發想,反思我們今日所認定的「精神官能症」,是源自西方學科的發展,病理化(pathologize)人類對外在的反應,有其「於文化真空中研究與治療」的風險。
有七百多萬人不想看到我結婚?So what!? #thankyounext 沈澱幾天之後的感想: 1. 改變溝通模式。平權團體每次都能打破護家盟的謬論,但護家盟似乎不用回應平權團體的發言,不是嗎?這樣
從Watters (2010)發想,反思我們今日所認定的「精神官能症」,是源自西方學科的發展,病理化(pathologize)人類對外在的反應,有其「於文化真空中研究與治療」的風險。
有七百多萬人不想看到我結婚?So what!? #thankyounext 沈澱幾天之後的感想: 1. 改變溝通模式。平權團體每次都能打破護家盟的謬論,但護家盟似乎不用回應平權團體的發言,不是嗎?這樣
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你曾有過放不下手機,熬夜刷視頻的經歷嗎?? 這裡我分享我的,希望能幫助到你
*合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
On October 17, 2018, Canada made history by becoming the second country in the world to fully legalize cannabis for both medical and recreational use.
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〈Social Work社工〉 參加百人個案研討,主辦單位的執行長擔任口譯,畢竟學者專家最後一棒,也就是來自荷蘭的護理長全程用英文,如果沒有翻譯不就白搭了嗎? 因為護理長講的英文不難,所以無需口譯幾乎都能夠聽懂,只是我總覺得有哪裡怪怪的。​
你曾有過放不下手機,熬夜刷視頻的經歷嗎?? 這裡我分享我的,希望能幫助到你