Noosa - Walk on by

2019/01/21閱讀時間約 7 分鐘
創作類型:Genres Electropop / dream pop / synthpop / fairy-pop
背景介紹:本名為Sky Barbarick,為人所知的藝名為Noosa,她是美國籍的創作型歌手。
Noosa首次嶄露頭角,是因為她的創作”Mirrors in the Moonlight”被作曲家Mickey Valen編製為一首新單曲“Fear of Love”。這首歌和之後的單曲,成功登上了知名音樂部落格The Hype Machine評選第一名。在那之後,Noosa在2012年釋出了首張同名EP-Noosa,並於2014年發表首張個人專輯-Wonderland。

Run when the rhythm's right
Go into the night
Go until you're out of sight
And you're out of my mind
Run when the rhythm's right
Go into the night
Floating as the river flows
Easy as it goes to the ocean
So walk on by
I've got no reason to love you
But I do, I do, I do
So walk on by
I've got no reason to love you
But I do, I do, I do
You're showing me colors of the sky
But all I see is gray
You lost me when you lied
Promise me but you never try
Secrets in your eyes
You go and run, I'll hide
You're showing me colors of the sky
But all I see is gray
You lost me when you lied
I don't ever wanna be crowned
Just another prize
It breaks my heart
Lost in the midnight blue
Shadows of the moon
Here with open arms for you
Feeling something so new
Said with me you'd reach the sun
Oh but we were so young
Love me 'till the summer's done
But keep me in your heart so I hold on
So walk on by
I've got no reason to love you
But I do, I do, I do
So walk on by
I've got no reason to love you
But I do, I do, I do
You're showing me colors of the sky
But all I see is gray
You lost me when you lied
Promise me but you never try
Secrets in your eyes
You go and run, I'll hide
You're showing me colors of the sky
But all I see is gray
You lost me when you lied
I don't ever wanna be crowned
Just another prize
Oh I hold on
You're showing me colors of the sky
But all I see is gray
You lost me when you lied
Promise me but you never try
Secrets in your eyes
You go and run, I'll hide
You're showing me colors of the sky
But all I see is gray
You lost me when you lied
I don't ever wanna be crowned
Just another prize
It breaks my
Shoot me to the ground now and some how
I feel like you don't know me
Shoot me to the ground now I don't even know how
Brought me to a life that you never showed me
Coming from a locked up ghost of yourself
But you're coming from the light
There's more to you then you ever thought there was
Yeah you're coming from the light
Run when the rhythm's right

2014年的Wonderland這張專輯裡面”Begin Again”和“Wildfire”我非常喜歡。在這之後她也陸續發表了幾隻單曲和EP,期待她第二張專輯遲早問世。
Begin Again
Butterfingers with Noosa and Fresh Violet


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