Who are the players in Singapore TV Industry?

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If you are interested to connect TV players in Singapore, actually, there isn’t many.
1) Singtel: Telecommunication company, they have paid TV.
2) Starhub: Telecommunication company, they have paid TV.
3) SPH: Actually SPH don’t have TV, but they are the most competitive media company to Mediacorp, they own more publications like newspaper, ex. The Straits Times, or wider industry range, even to elderly care.
4) Mediacorp:
Free TV, a state-owned company operates privately, basically they don’t have a direct competitor in Singapore, so you could say they are the only player and the biggest. They don’t have so much event to the public, it was interesting that they offered TV advertising discount every April, afterward, they don’t really do discount, which they consider the offer in April is the best you can get. The minimum TV advertising period is 6 months, each month you will choose a week to display your advertising continuously, not showing your advertising in the whole month.
Mediacorp co-organized event with DBS, and DBS help Mediacorp to send the event information, once you register the event, Mediacorp will call you many times until you confirm to attend the event. Once you get your pass in the event, there will be an account manager assigned to you during the whole event. There was no boring speech, after a short introduction from the host, there was around 15-minute video showing all the information you need to know, then your account manager will discuss your interest and the details pricing plan.
They have different channels, but the audience mostly targeting in Singapore:
- CAN = Channel News Asia, English speaking, only news, the advertising price is the most expensive, and they will select good quality advertising only.
- 5: English speaking, all types of TV program
- 8: Mandarin Chinese speaking, all types of TV program
- U: foreign drama, ex. Taiwan, Korea, China..etc
- Suria: Malay speaking
- Vasantham: India market
- Toggle: Online free TV, allowing you to have advertising in the front, middle, and end of the video.
If you have any question, please feel free to leave your comment, or discuss with me.
Originally published at http://sofi.lafenice.co on April 26, 2019.
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    Who fought to their death against the Nazis in WWII??? 歷史在笑呀!!! --- May 7, 1945 After heavy fighting, Soviet forces neared Adolf Hitler's command bunk
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    這是一篇描述星際對話、意識提升和神祕接觸的小說文。 人類靈兒與神祕的星際存有展開了一段交流,充滿了神祕與玄幻。 ( → AI 建議 的 摘要描述 ) -------- 簡介 : 星際對話小說文~ 【星際交流】修仙升級、星際進化 ~~ 意識提升 ( 飛升 ) ~~
    感覺再不寫些甚麼筆就要開始生鏽了,以這樣的心情決定開啟 picoCTF writeup 系列。 也是因為最近生活過得平平淡淡,沒什麼值得和大家分享的,只好來寫寫我覺得有趣的 picoCTF題目 writeup。 這篇是這系列的第一篇。希望自己可以用簡顯易懂的方式帶著各位享受尋找寶藏(flag)
    記得好像有人說過,要判斷一本書的好壞,就是讀完時,作者是否能變成非常要好的老朋友,好像隨時都可以拿起電話天南地北地亂聊。讀這本全錄前執行長Ursula Burns的回憶錄《Where You Are Is Not Who You Are》,就有這樣的感覺。
    這首真的很好聽 歌詞也是寫的很好 主唱人說的一句話很另人反思 說的是神總是做了很多的事來總是滿足我們的願望 但是神對你來說是什麼呢 不是只想著祂能為你做什麼 更重要的是 祂是我們的創造者 我們的供應者 也是拯救我們的主 祂是所有的一切 是的 最重要的是你拯救了我們 為了我們 也為了給
    Who fought to their death against the Nazis in WWII??? 歷史在笑呀!!! --- May 7, 1945 After heavy fighting, Soviet forces neared Adolf Hitler's command bunk
    我們在強調語言學習時,不能單單只著重在語言技能及規則的提升或訓練,家長要千萬要記得語言終究是種工具,未來是要用這個語言在社會上走跳的,所以同步要培養的是孩子們更多在邏輯、專注力、思考力、反應力等等的能力。 我們這一系列小樹寶動動腦,就是為了希望讓家長與孩子們了解及習慣利用影片不用動手指的純粹思考及動
    這兩週在教學生關於描述人的英文形容詞,即使是初級課本,也出現了intelligent, considerate 等的「長相複雜」的單字,默默想起了小時候學英文的我,所謂的初級單字就是沒有「長」單字,就舉intelligent 來說好了,共有四個母音 i, e, i, e (請不要自己哎咿哎咿)及四個