Who are the players in Singapore TV Industry?

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If you are interested to connect TV players in Singapore, actually, there isn’t many.
1) Singtel: Telecommunication company, they have paid TV.
2) Starhub: Telecommunication company, they have paid TV.
3) SPH: Actually SPH don’t have TV, but they are the most competitive media company to Mediacorp, they own more publications like newspaper, ex. The Straits Times, or wider industry range, even to elderly care.
4) Mediacorp:
Free TV, a state-owned company operates privately, basically they don’t have a direct competitor in Singapore, so you could say they are the only player and the biggest. They don’t have so much event to the public, it was interesting that they offered TV advertising discount every April, afterward, they don’t really do discount, which they consider the offer in April is the best you can get. The minimum TV advertising period is 6 months, each month you will choose a week to display your advertising continuously, not showing your advertising in the whole month.
Mediacorp co-organized event with DBS, and DBS help Mediacorp to send the event information, once you register the event, Mediacorp will call you many times until you confirm to attend the event. Once you get your pass in the event, there will be an account manager assigned to you during the whole event. There was no boring speech, after a short introduction from the host, there was around 15-minute video showing all the information you need to know, then your account manager will discuss your interest and the details pricing plan.
They have different channels, but the audience mostly targeting in Singapore:
- CAN = Channel News Asia, English speaking, only news, the advertising price is the most expensive, and they will select good quality advertising only.
- 5: English speaking, all types of TV program
- 8: Mandarin Chinese speaking, all types of TV program
- U: foreign drama, ex. Taiwan, Korea, China..etc
- Suria: Malay speaking
- Vasantham: India market
- Toggle: Online free TV, allowing you to have advertising in the front, middle, and end of the video.
If you have any question, please feel free to leave your comment, or discuss with me.
Originally published at http://sofi.lafenice.co on April 26, 2019.

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撰文:左手 這篇是寫給一開始要來新加坡安營紮寨的人, 挑選電話卡, 讓你少走彎路 或許也能幫到準備來旅遊的人. 在雙手一開始拓荒新加坡的時候, 就在機場買了一張starhub的預付卡 方案是50新幣, 30天有100GB流量, 並且也有50元的儲值金額, 有效期為180天, 如果之
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「新聞娛樂化」這個概念,是岑建勳先生到輔大的一場演講中給我的概念。可以保證我現在的同事一定沒人認識他,同輩認識他可能也停留在香港諧星,我大學快畢業的時候,台灣有線電視開放,他成立一家「超級電視台」(Super TV),以創辦人的身份到我們大學演講,他支持電視新聞處理不應該有像電影運鏡的手法激起大家情
亞洲分支機構融合前,我負責的東亞地區市場;以台灣為核心,,營業收入大約百分之四十是直接銷售,而另外的六成業績是來自區域內各大經銷商的貢獻。 對比遠東地區,由於區域中心所在地新加坡本身是金融中心,製造業比重相對低了很多,以致於當地的生意規模遠遠不如鄰近的越南,印尼和泰國。所以新加坡市場就委託給了一家
撰文:左手 這篇是寫給一開始要來新加坡安營紮寨的人, 挑選電話卡, 讓你少走彎路 或許也能幫到準備來旅遊的人. 在雙手一開始拓荒新加坡的時候, 就在機場買了一張starhub的預付卡 方案是50新幣, 30天有100GB流量, 並且也有50元的儲值金額, 有效期為180天, 如果之
2024年1月三大電信業者的攜碼優惠費用如下: 台灣大哥大攜碼優惠: 4G 吃到飽平均月租:488元。 該方案提供了具競爭力的價格,適合想要節省通訊費用的消費者。 遠傳電信攜碼優惠: 4G 吃到飽平均月租:488元。 同樣提供了較低的月租費用,對於預算有限的用戶來說是一個不錯的選擇。