March 27

閱讀時間約 3 分鐘
【作者】Eileen Caddy
  Peace be unto you. To be at one with Me is to be at peace, for peace starts deep within the soul and then reflects itself without. Then when you have found inner peace and stability, you can go anywhere and withstand anything. You can even walk in the valley of the shadow of death and fear nothing, for with that inner peace comes serenity and tranquillity which nothing and no one can disturb or destroy. As you recognise and accept your true relationship with Me, and do it as simply as a child without any complications, so will your whole life be filled with joy and thanksgiving. Then no fear can enter, and you will appear to live a charmed life, and to be fully protected, for where there is no fear, there is full protection. It is fear that opens the door to danger and leaves you vulnerable. Therefore banish fear, let My peace and love infill and enfold you, and give eternal thanks.
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