These Violent Delights給我有點複雜的感覺,這本書在聽的時候讓我有些挫折哈哈,因為作者的文筆雖然很美但不是那麼平易近人(對我),很常需要倒回去重聽才會稍微懂,也因為這樣我覺得這本聽得很漫長。而故事方面我對這個題材滿有興趣的,角色之間關係也很有意思令人著迷,但在文字的阻礙下,我有種我沒有完全理解小說、作者意圖的感覺(當然是我自己的問題)。
These Violent Delights的確符合宣傳所說的,有The Secret History跟CMBYN的風格/感覺(尤其是前者),但也呈現了不太一樣的黑暗,我覺得書中的兩人關係很值得一讀,但劇情、文字方面比較不適合我,讓整體的讀書感受沒那麼好,如果對這類型題材有興趣的人,我還是會推薦一讀。
我還滿喜歡這本書名的,是取自羅密歐與茱麗葉中一句:”These violent delights have violent ends.”,沒寫出的後半跟書中故事十分搭配。 但剛好11月也有一本同名的YA Fantasy,害我在查書評時有些混亂XD
我在看別人評論時也看到跟Leopold and Loeb做比較,後來發現這是一個很有名的案件,也是兩位青少年犯下重大犯罪,許多細節的確跟本書有相似的地方,這類型的作品好像也不少,像是希區考克的Rope,下面連結有一些介紹。
這一段我真的很喜歡,關於「愛」的討論。 “[…] what we call ‘love’ is actually letting your identity fill in around the shape of the other person, you love someone by defining yourself against them. It says loss hurts because there’s nothing holding that part of you in place anymore, but your outline still holds, and it keeps holding. The thing you shape yourself into by loving them. you never stop being that.” (Part I, 8)
“Paul was almost relieved to feel the sting. It meant Julian saw every weakness in him, and still thought he was worth the effort of hurting.” (Part I, 4)
“You just keep pushing me into the deep end and then acting like I’m drowning to spite you.” (Part II, 6)
“Once he knew the shape of someone else’s pain, he could break off a piece of it, claim it as his own, keep it as a memento under glass, and know they’d be grateful to him for taking it away.” (Part III, 6)
“All they were, all they had ever been was a pair of sunflowers who each believe the other is the sun.” (Part IV, 6)